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niFgen Query Arb Waveform Capabilities VI

niFgen Query Arb Waveform Capabilities VI

Installed With: NI-FGEN

Returns the attributes of the signal generator that are related to creating arbitrary waveforms. These properties are the maximum number of waveforms, waveform quantum, minimum waveform size, and maximum waveform size.

niFgen Query Arb Waveform Capabilities


Instrument Handle identifies your instrument session.

Instrument Handle is obtained from the niFgen Initialize VI, niFgen Initialize With Options VI, or the niFgen Initialize With Channels VI.


error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

Default value: no error


Instrument Handle Out passes a reference to your instrument session to the next VI.


Waveform Quantum returns the size (number of points) of each waveform must be a multiple of a constant quantum value.

This parameter obtains the quantum value that the signal generator uses. For example, if this output returns a value of 8, all waveform sizes must be a multiple of 8.


Maximum Number of Waveforms returns the maximum number of arbitrary waveforms that the signal generator allows. On some signal generators this may vary with remaining onboard memory.


Minimum Waveform Size returns the minimum number of points that the signal generator allows in a waveform.

For some signal generators, you may need to supply a larger waveform than the value specified by this parameter. Refer to the "Features Supported" topic for your device in the NI Signal Generators Help for a table of minimum waveform sizes.


Maximum Waveform Size returns the maximum number of points that the signal generator allows in a waveform. On some signal generators this may vary with remaining onboard memory.


error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

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