Browsing and Searching for Examples in NI Example Finder

Use NI Example Finder to browse and to search for examples.

You can use NI Example Finder to find examples for the following products.
  • LabVIEW
  • LabWindows/CVI
  • NI drivers accessible from LabVIEW
  • NI drivers accessible from LabWindows/CVI
  1. Launch LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI.
  2. Open NI Example Finder.
    LabVIEW Select Help » Find Examples. from the menu bar.
    LabWindows/CVI Click Find Examples... from the Examples section of the Welcome Page.
    NI Example Finder launches.
  3. Optional: Configure NI Example Finder for LabWindows/CVI.
    1. Click Setup. Configure Example Finder opens.
    2. In Configure Example Finder, click Software, then select LabWindows/CVI, and click OK.
    NI Example Finder updates with all the examples for LabWindows/CVI.
  4. Search the example VIs for your product.
    Click the Browse tab. Choose Browse when you want to drill down through folders to find examples organized by task category.
    Tip Examples installed with NI drivers or third-party drivers are often found within the Hardware Input and Output folder. Examples installed with toolkits or modules are often found within the Toolkits and Modules folder.
    Click the Search tab. Choose Search when you want to find examples by searching for topics, products, or modules relevant to your application.
  5. To open an example, double-click the folder or the example.
    Tip You can modify an example VI to fit your application. You can also copy and paste from one or more examples into a VI that you create.