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Programming with Text Button Controls

Programming with Text Button Controls

This topic describes how to complete the following tasks programmatically.

Creating a Text Button Control

Use the NewCtrl function to create a text button control.

int textButton;

textButton = NewCtrl (panelHandle, CTRL_SQUARE_TEXT_BUTTON_LS, "Text Button Control", 25, 45);

Setting and Obtaining the State of a Button

Call SetCtrlVal to set the state of a text button.

int val;

GetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_BINARYSWITCH, &val);
SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, val);

Call GetCtrlVal to get the state of a text button.

int state;

GetCtrlVal (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, &state);
SetCtrlVal (panelHandle, PANEL_NUMERIC_2, state);

Setting and Obtaining the String Associated with a Text Button Control

By default, the text button text is OFF and ON. You can specify different values with attributes.

SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_ON_TEXT, "Running");
SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_OFF_TEXT, "Stopped");

Use the same attributes to obtain the value of the text.

int onTextLen, offTextLen;
char *onText = NULL, char *offText = NULL;

GetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_ON_TEXT_LENGTH, &onTextLen);

The ATTR_ON_TEXT and ATTR_OFF_TEXT attributes append a NUL byte to the end of the text string, so you must make the buffer 1 byte larger than the value returned by ATTR_ON_TEXT_LENGTH and ATTR_OFF_TEXT_LENGTH.

onText = malloc (sizeof(char) * (onTextLen + 1));
GetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_ON_TEXT, onText);
GetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_OFF_TEXT_LENGTH, &offTextLen);
offText = malloc (sizeof(char) * (offTextLen + 1));
GetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_OFF_TEXT, offText);

Setting the On/Off Color and Text Styles

SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_TEXT_BOLD, 1);
SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_ON_COLOR, VAL_GREEN);
SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_OFF_COLOR, VAL_RED);
SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_TEXT_POINT_SIZE, 25);
SetCtrlAttribute (panelHandle, textButtonCtrl, ATTR_HEIGHT, 40);

Related Topics

Programming with Controls

Text Button Control Functions

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