
Content Type
Programming Language
Current manual

Operating Menu Bars

Operating Menu Bars

You can operate a menu bar from the keyboard in the following ways:

  • Press <Alt> and the underlined letter of the menu title to display a menu or execute an immediate action menu. When a menu appears, its title is highlighted.
  • Press the right or left arrow key to display adjacent menus.
  • Press the up or down arrow key or the underlined letter of the menu item to select items in a menu. When an item is selected, its label is highlighted.
  • Press <Enter> to execute the highlighted item and remove the menu.
  • Press <Esc> to remove the menu without executing a menu item.

You can operate a menu bar with the mouse in the following ways:

  • Click the menu title to display a menu or execute an immediate menu.
  • Click the menu item to execute an item within a menu. The menu disappears.
  • Click anywhere outside the menu to remove the menu without executing the menu item.

You cannot select menu titles and menu items that are dimmed.

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