VIs and Functions that Support the Fixed-Point Data Type
- Updated2025-01-22
- 2 minute(s) read
VIs and Functions that Support the Fixed-Point Data Type
Not all VIs and functions in LabVIEW support the fixed-point data type. If you wire a fixed-point number to a VI or function that does not support the fixed-point data type, the VI appears with a broken Run button. The following VIs and functions support the fixed-point data type.
Array VIs and Functions
The following Array VIs support the fixed-point data type:
- Decrement Array Element
- Increment Array Element
Assert Type VIs and Functions
The following Assert Type VIs and functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Assert Fixed-Point Numeric Type
- Assert Fractional Numeric Type
- Assert Real Numeric or Waveform Type
- Assert Real Numeric Type
- Assert Scalar Numeric or Waveform Type
- Assert Scalar Numeric Type
- Assert Structural Type Match
- Assert Structural Type Mismatch
Comparison VIs and Functions
The following Comparison VIs and functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Equal?
- Equal To 0?
- Greater Or Equal?
- Greater Or Equal To 0?
- Greater?
- Greater Than 0?
- In Range and Coerce
- Is Value Changed
- Less Or Equal?
- Less Or Equal To 0?
- Less?
- Less Than 0?
- Max & Min
- Not Equal?
- Not Equal To 0?
Conversion Functions
The following Conversion functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Boolean Array To Number
- Coerce To Type
- Number To Boolean Array
- To Byte Integer
- To Double Precision Float
- To Extended Precision Float
- To Fixed-Point
- To Long Integer
- To Quad Integer
- To Single Precision Float
- To Unsigned Byte Integer
- To Unsigned Long Integer
- To Unsigned Quad Integer
- To Unsigned Word Integer
- To Word Integer
Data Manipulation Functions
The following Data Manipulation functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Flatten To String
- Logical Shift
- Rotate Left With Carry
- Rotate Right With Carry
- Type Cast
- Unflatten From String
LabVIEW Schema Functions
The following LabVIEW Schema functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Flatten to XML
- Unflatten from XML
Numeric Functions
The following Numeric functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Absolute Value
- Add
- Decrement
- Divide
- Increment
- Multiply
- Negate
- Reciprocal
- Round To Nearest
- Round Toward +Infinity
- Round Toward -Infinity
- Scale by Power of 2
- Sign
- Square
- Square Root
- Subtract
String/Number Conversion Functions
The following String/Number Conversion functions support the fixed-point data type:
- Decimal String To Number
- Fract/Exp String To Number
- Hexadecimal String To Number
- Number To Decimal String
- Number To Engineering String
- Number To Exponential String
- Number To Fractional String
- Number To Hexadecimal String
- Number To Octal String
- Octal String To Number
Timing VIs and Functions
The following Timing VI supports the fixed-point data type:
- Stall Data Flow