.NET and ActiveX Controls and Indicators
- Updated2025-01-22
- 1 minute(s) read
.NET and ActiveX Controls and Indicators
Note The following content applies to .NET
Framework only. LabVIEW has been gradually adding support for .NET Core since LabVIEW 2024 Q3.
Refer to LabVIEW New Features and Changes for specific .NET Core support added in
different releases.
Use the .NET and ActiveX controls located on the .NET & ActiveX palette to manipulate common .NET or ActiveX controls, such as rich text boxes, picture boxes, and calendars. You can add additional .NET or ActiveX controls to this palette for later use. Select Tools»Import».NET Controls to Palette or ActiveX Controls to Palette to convert a set of .NET or ActiveX controls, respectively, to custom controls and add them to the .NET & ActiveX palette.
Note Creating and communicating
with .NET Framework objects requires the .NET Framework 4.0. NI strongly recommends that you
use .NET Framework objects only in LabVIEW projects.