LabVIEW myRIO Toolkit

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Programming Language
Current manual



June 2015, 373926C-01

Requires: myRIO Toolkit. This topic might not match its corresponding palette in LabVIEW depending on your operating system, licensed product(s), and target.

Use the myRIO VIs to create applications on the myRIO.

Complete the following steps to access the myRIO VIs:

  1. Select File»Create Project from LabVIEW to display the Create Project dialog box.
  2. Create a myRIO project by using the Create Project dialog box.
  3. In the Project Explorer window of the myRIO project, right-click the myRIO target and select New»VI from the shortcut menu.
  4. Select Window»Show Block Diagram to view the block diagram of the VI.
  5. Select View»Functions Palette and navigate to the myRIO palette.

The VIs on this palette can return general LabVIEW error codes and myRIO and roboRIO error codes.

Palette ObjectDescription
AccelerometerReads acceleration values along the X, Y, and Z axes of the accelerometer on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
Analog InputReads values from one or more analog input channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
Analog OutputWrites values to one or more analog output channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
ButtonReads the value from the user button on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
Digital InputReads values from one or more digital input channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
Digital OutputWrites values to one or more digital output channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
EncoderReads and decodes signals from an encoder through the encoder channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO. This Express VI reads the number of ticks that the encoder receives since the last counter reset.
I2CWrites data to or reads data from an Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) slave device through the I2C channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
InterruptRegisters analog and digital input interrupts and creates timer interrupts on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
LEDSets the states of the LEDs on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
PWMGenerates a pulse width modulation (PWM) signal to an external peripheral through the PWM channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO. The roboRIO uses 6 V voltage rail on the PWM port for powering servos and provides 5 V DIO lines for generating PWM signals.
SPIWrites data to or reads data from a serial peripheral interface (SPI) slave device through the SPI channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
UARTWrites data to or reads data from a Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) device through the UART channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO. With the roboRIO, you also can use this VI to write data to or read data from an RS-232 device through the RS-232 channel.

Device Management VIsUse the Device Management VIs to set custom FPGA bitfiles and to reset I/O channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.
High Throughput FPGA Personality VIsUse the High Throughput FPGA Personality VIs to create applications on the myRIO with the high-throughput FPGA personality. The myRIO high-throughput FPGA personality supports high-speed analog or digital data access. You can use the high-throughput personality for audio signals and projects in need of waveform data.
Low Level VIsUse the Low Level VIs to control the I/O channels on the myRIO or the roboRIO.

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