Error Codes (myRIO Toolkit and roboRIO Toolkit)
- Updated2023-02-21
- 4 minute(s) read
Error Codes (myRIO Toolkit and roboRIO Toolkit)
The myRIO VIs and the roboRIO VIs can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.
Code | Description |
−363034 | The number of elements to write that you specify in Values is out of range. Values is a 2D array. The number of elements in each row represents the number of samples you want to write to each analog output channel. Ensure this number is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 10,000. |
−363033 | An unknown error occurred. Possible reason: the joystick device may not function correctly. |
−363032 | Unsupported device type. Ensure that you connect a joystick device to the myRIO or the roboRIO. |
−363031 | Joystick device not found. Ensure that you specify a correct device ID. |
−363030 | Memory allocation failed. Possible reason: one or more programs are causing insufficient system resources. Close some programs or restart the myRIO or the roboRIO. |
−363029 | The write buffer has overflowed. Specify a longer interval between write operations or set Wait Until Done? to TRUE. |
−363028 | The current personality is incompatible with the peripheral. To change the personality, right-click the myRIO or the roboRIO target in the Project Explorer window, select Switch FPGA Personality, and select an available personality from the shortcut menu. |
−363027 | The number of samples to read must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 10,000. |
−363026 | Cannot create the timer interrupt with the specified Timer ID. Possible reasons: the specified Timer ID is out of range; you have already created a timer interrupt with the same timer ID. Specify a Timer ID within the range [0, 7] or destroy the created timer interrupt with the same timer ID. |
−363025 | Cannot register the interrupt with the specified IRQ Number. Possible reasons: the specified IRQ Number is out of range; you have already registered an interrupt with the same interrupt number. Specify an IRQ Number within the range [0, 7] or unregister the interrupt with the same interrupt number. |
−363024 | Cannot register the interrupt with the specified Channel Name. You have already registered an interrupt with the same channel name. Specify another value for Channel Name or unregister the interrupt with the same channel name. |
−363023 | The FPGA reference is already set and cannot be overwritten. |
−363022 | The input FPGA reference is invalid. Ensure that the input custom FPGA reference is correct for the FPGA target. |
−363021 | The specified channel has been opened with a different configuration that you cannot change at run time. |
−363020 | A timeout occurred while waiting for the myRIO or the roboRIO to initialize. Some of the I/O channels may not function correctly. |
−363019 | The number of scaling constant values provided does not match the number of channels that you specified. |
−363018 | Cannot write to the channel that you specified because the channel can only be an input. |
−363017 | The requested frequency is outside the range of supported frequencies and has been coerced to the closest supported frequency within the range. |
−363016 | Cannot reset the channel output because the channel was set to allow opening for multiple times. |
−363015 | Cannot open one or more channels that you specified with allow multiple opens? set to TRUE because the channel was already opened with allow multiple opens? set to FALSE. |
−363014 | There was an error during the code generation. Reinstall the LabVIEW myRIO Toolkit or the LabVIEW roboRIO Toolkit. |
−363013 | A timeout occurred during the last I2C read/write operation. |
−363012 | A No Acknowledge (NAK) bit was received from the slave device after the last data transmission. |
−363011 | A No Acknowledge (NAK) bit was received from the slave device after the last address transmission. |
−363010 | There are no channels specified to open. You must specify at least one channel in channel name. |
−363009 | One or more of the channels opened cannot be closed correctly. Check the corresponding open VI to ensure that you opened and/or configured the channels correctly. |
−363008 | One or more of the channels that you specified were already configured for use as a different I/O type. |
−363007 | Cannot open one or more of the channels that you specified with allow multiple opens? set to FALSE because the channel was already opened. |
−363006 | An overflow occurred in the encoder counter while the overflow flag was still set. |
−363005 | An invalid transition occurred in the quadrature encoder. Ensure that you have connected the hardware correctly and the encoder is not turning too fast. |
−363004 | The number of values to write must match the number of channels that you specify for the write operation. |
−363003 | One or more of the channels that you specified to read or write are not supported. Check to see if the channels that you specified are available on the myRIO or the roboRIO that you are using. |
−363002 | One or more of the channels that you specified are invalid. Ensure that all channel names that you enter correspond to the right type of channel and do not contain unnecessary characters or spaces. |
−363001 | The myRIO or the roboRIO is not configured. You must use the open VIs to open a reference to an I/O channel before using the channel. This error can occur if you attempt to run a myRIO VI or a roboRIO VI within the main application instance or under My Computer without specifying the target version of the myRIO or the roboRIO; or if you attempt to run a myRIO VI or a roboRIO VI on an RT target that is not on a myRIO or a roboRIO. |
−363000 | The target is unknown. This error occurs when you attempt to run a myRIO VI or a roboRIO VI on an RT target that is not on a myRIO or a roboRIO. |