2D Numeric Integration VI

Performs numeric integration on the Input Array using one of four popular numeric integration methods.

Wire data to the Input Array input to determine the polymorphic instance to use or manually select the instance.



  • c2ddbl.png Input Array

    Input Array contains the data to be integrated, which is obtained from sampling an integrand f(x, y) at multiples of dx and dy, that is, f(0, 0), f(dx, 0), f(0, dy), f(dx, dy),....

  • cnclst.png interval size

    interval size contains the interval sizes dx and dy.

  • cdbl.png dx

    dx is the interval size of the integration variable x. The default is 1.

  • cdbl.png dy

    dy is the interval size of the integration variable y. The default is 1.

  • ci32.png integration method

    integration method specifies the method to use to perform the numeric integration.

    0Trapezoidal Rule (default)
    1Simpson's Rule
    2Simpson's 3/8 Rule
    3Bode Rule
  • idbl.png result

    result returns the numeric integral.

  • ii32.png error

    error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

  • The x values you wire to this VI must be evenly spaced, or result is incorrect. If the values are not evenly spaced, you can use the Uneven Numeric Integration VI to compute the integral.

    2D Numeric Integration

    To perform the 2D numeric integration of


    this VI first applies 1D numeric integration over x to evaluate


    Then this VI applies 1D numeric integration over y to obtain the result