Uneven Numeric Integration VI

Performs numeric integration on the unevenly spaced values in the input array using the trapezoidal method.



  • c1ddbl.png X

    X contains the data to be integrated, which you obtain by computing the integrand value at sampling points t0, t1, t2, …, where t0, t1, t2, … are the elements of T.

  • c1ddbl.png T

    T contains the sampling points LabVIEW uses to compute X from the integrand. The sampling points can be spaced unevenly. T must be the same length as X.

  • idbl.png result

    result returns the numeric integral.

  • ii32.png error

    error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

  • Before performing numeric integration, the VI reorders T in ascending order and reorders X to correspond to T. The VI then performs numeric integration using the following equation:

    where n is the number of data points.