ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit C API Reference

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Forces a copy transaction of one calibration page to another.


mcTypeStatus mcXCPCopyCalPage(
mcTypeTaskRef ECURefNum,
u8 SourceSegment,
u8 SourcePage,
u8 DestinationSegment,
u8 DestinationPage);



ECURefNum is the task reference which links to the selected ECU. This reference is originally returned from mcECUSelectEx.


SourceSegment specifies the logical data segment number source.


SourcePage specifies the logical page number source.


DestinationSegment specifies the logical data segment number destination.


DestinationPage specifies the logical page number destination.


Return Value

The return value indicates the status of the function call as a signed 32-bit integer. Zero means the function executed successfully. A negative value specifies an error, which means the function did not perform the expected behavior. A positive value specifies a warning, which means the function performed as expected, but a condition arose that may require attention.

Use the mcStatusToString function of the ECU M&C API to obtain a descriptive string for the return value.


mcXCPCopyCalPage implements the XCP command COPY_CAL_PAGE and forces the slave to copy one calibration page to another. This command is only available if more than one calibration page is defined. In principal, any page of any segment can be copied to any page of any other segment but there may be restrictions.

Refer to the ASAM XCP Part 2 Protocol Layer Specification for more information on how to set up a request.

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