ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit C API Reference

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Closes a specified A2L Database.


mcTypeStatus mcDatabaseClose(
mcTypeTaskRef *DBRefNum);



DBRefNum is the task reference from the initial database task function. The database task reference is originally returned from mcDatabaseOpen.


Return Value

The return value indicates the status of the function call as a signed 32-bit integer. Zero means the function executed successfully. A negative value specifies an error, which means the function did not perform the expected behavior. A positive value specifies a warning, which means the function performed as expected, but a condition arose that may require attention.

Use the mcStatusToString function of the ECU M&C API to obtain a descriptive string for the return value.


mcDatabaseClose must always be the final ECU M&C function called for each database task. If you do not use the mcDatabaseClose function, the remaining task configurations can cause problems in the execution of subsequent Measurement and Calibration applications.

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