DIAdem Help

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AC/DC Coupling

AC/DC Coupling

Use this dialog box to remove the bias (DC part) from a signal. DIAdem uses an FFT window function before summating all signal values in order to specify the bias of the signal. DIAdem then subtracts this one value from each value of the input signal.


Channel Specifies the data channel from which DIAdem removes the bias. The data channel must not contain NoValues.
Window type Specifies which window function DIAdem uses on the entire input channel. You can select: rectangle, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman, FlatTop.
Store result in original channel Overwrites the values of the input channel. Do not select this setting if you want to use the input channel again.
If you want to use waveform channels in this dialog box, follow Rule 2.3 for Calculating with Waveform Channels.


DIAdem generates a result channel with the AC part of the signal and writes the removed bias into the Result~ACDCCoupling~DCLevel property of the result channel.

Script Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnACDCCoupling")



Examining Measurement Signals in the Frequency Domain


AC/DC Coupling | Adapted DIAdem Functions | Calculate Characteristics of an Oscillation | Communicating with MATLAB | Frequency Weighting (A-, B-, C-Filtering) | Hysteresis Analysis | Optimized Heating Control

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