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Calculate SRTM Height Profile

Calculate SRTM Height Profile

Use this dialog to determine the corresponding height values from the longitude and latitude. Before calling this function, you must download the appropriate SRTM data into the cache folder using the SRTMDownloadTilesArea function.


Longitude Specifies the channel with the longitudes. Valid values are between -180.0° and +180.0°.
Latitude Specifies the channel with the latitudes. Valid values are between -90.0° and +90.0°.
If you want to use waveform channels in this dialog box, follow Rule 1 for Calculating with Waveform Channels.


DIAdem creates a result channel AltitudeSRTM in the default group with the altitude values.

Script Call

Call SUDDlgShow("Main", ResourceDrv & "AnaChnSRTMAltitude")


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