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Calculation Manager

Calculation Manager

Use this dialog box to edit all calculations of the loaded calculation set.

The table shows the contents of the loaded calculation set. When DIAdem launches, it loads the calculation set specified in the DIAdem Settings. Use Open to load, edit, and save a new calculation set with the file extension .tca in the Calculation Manager.


Toolbar - Calculation Set

New Deletes the contents of the current calculation set.
Open Opens the dialog box where you select and load a new calculation set.
Append Opens the dialog box where you select the calculation set to be appended.
Save Saves the current calculation set.
Save As Opens the dialog box where you specify the name under which DIAdem saves the calculation set.
Export Selection Opens the dialog box where you specify the name under which DIAdem exports the selected calculations. Use Select Dependent Pre-Calculations and Select Dependent Post-Calculations to bundle all steps of a calculation before exporting.
Encrypt Selection Opens the dialog box where you specify the name under which DIAdem exports the selected calculations encrypted.

Toolbar - Calculations

Add Calculation Opens the dialog box where you create a new calculation with a formula, a calculation, or a script.
Copy Calculation Creates a copy of the selected calculation and pastes the copy below the last selected calculation. DIAdem assigns the original name to the copy and adds the text _Copy and a number. The copy of the calculation contains the same inputs and outputs and the same calculation rule as the original calculation.
Add Calculation Group Opens the dialog box where you define a new calculation group.
Copy Calculation Group Creates a copy of the selected calculation groups and pastes the copy below the last selected calculation group. DIAdem assigns the original name to the copy and adds the text _Copy and a number. The copy of the calculation group contains the same calculations as the original calculation group.
Edit Entry Opens the dialog box where you edit a calculation group or a calculation with a formula, a calculation, or a script.
Delete Entry Deletes the selected calculation groups or calculations.
Move Entry Up Moves the selected calculation group or calculation up.
Move Entry Down Moves the selected calculation group or calculation down.
Run Runs all executable calculations from the selected calculations. When you select calculation groups, DIAdem executes all the executable calculations contained in these calculation groups.
Run and Store in Calculation Channel Runs all executable calculations from the selected calculations and saves the results in calculation channels.
Select Dependent Pre-Calculations Selects which calculations must be executed before DIAdem can run the selected calculation.
Select Dependent Post-Calculations Selects the calculations that DIAdem can execute after the selected calculation has run.
Debug Dependent Pre-Calculations Opens the dialog box that displays the dependencies and executability of pre-calculations in a tree. While opening the dialog box, DIAdem checks the executability of all pre-calculations of the selected calculation.
Debug Dependent Post-Calculations Opens the dialog box that displays the dependencies and executability of post-calculations in a tree. While opening the dialog box, DIAdem checks the executability of all post-calculations of the selected calculation.

Calculations - Calculation Set

Open / Close All Calculation Groups Shows and hides all calculations.
  Calculation Group Specifies the name of the calculation group.
  Calculation Specifies the calculation name.
Executable calculation Indicates that the calculation is executable.
Incorrect calculation Indicates that the calculation is not executable. Hover the cursor over this icon to display a tooltip that describes the cause of the error.
Formula Indicates that the calculation consists of a simple formula.
Calculation Indicates that the calculation accesses inputs and outputs.
Script Indicates that the calculation consists of a script.

Further Settings

Calculation Manager | Run Calculation | Edit Calculation»Calculation | Edit Calculation»Script | Add Calculation Group | Debug Dependent Pre-Calculations | Debug Dependent Post-Calculations

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