The following items are known issues in LabVIEW NXG 2.0 Web Module sorted by Date.
ID | Known Issue | |||||
663972 Return | Error messages from the HTTP Client API are truncated Workaround: Use the "Explain Error" method to receive the full message
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664047 Return | Internal error when creating an I64 ring with multiple items A JavaScript error occurs when adding multiple items to a Ring Control with an I64 representation Workaround: N/A
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664268 Return | VI snippets do not create controls on the Panel when placed in a Web VI Workaround: N/A
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665293 Return | Selecting a custom color for a plot on a Chart does not properly update the plot's color Workaround: N/A
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666046 Return | Radio Button Group does not resize when additional Radio Buttons are added Workaround: N/A
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666182 Return | When attempting to create a sub VI from code on a Web VI, you can only create a sub Web VI Workaround: N/A
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666287 Return | Warning when copying a Graph from a VI's Diagram to a Web VI's Diagram When you copy a VI's Diagram contents and paste them on a Web VI's Diagram, a warning will appear if one of the items is a Graph indicator. Workaround: Delete the graph terminal and create a new Graph in the Web VI
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666581 Return | Dragging multiple arrays into a tab control can cause visual issues Workaround: Save the Web VI and reopen it, or drag a single element into the tab at a time
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666615 Return | A JavaScript error occurs when running a Web VI that uses a Queue reference inside of a Cluster Workaround: N/A
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666971 Return | A JavaScript error occurs when using a Data Grid on a Tab Control with paging enabled. If a Data Grid with paging enabled is placed on a tab that is not the default tab, a JavaScript error will occur when the tab is selected Workaround: N/A
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667006 Return | Internal errors occur when calling a Web VI with a subVI that has an output inside of a Disable Structure Workaround: N/A
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667139 Return | Queue references cannot be built into an array When you index an array of queue references, the resulting reference is not a valid reference Workaround: N/A
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667678 Return | Error clusters always display information in the source string even if no error occurred Workaround: N/A
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667774 Return | The Output tab does not allow horizontal scrolling Workaround: Copy the text from the Output tab into another location and read the message there
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669020 Return | String to Number functions may return incorrect values when converting to I64 or U64 data types in Web VIs When converting from strings to 64-bit numbers, the String to Number functions (Decimal String to Number, Hex String to Number, etc.) can return unexpected results Workaround: N/A
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669498 Return | Data Grid headers fail to render when running a Web VI or built Web Application Workaround: N/A
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670753 Return | Creating a Web VI under a Web Application from the Files pane of the Web Application template project results in a broken Web VI When you create a new Web VI from the Files pane as described, the Web VI is targeted to the "This Computer" target. Web VIs will only compile if they are targeted to a "Web Server" target Workaround: Open the Web VI and select a Web Server target from the target dropdown selection
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671454 Return | Providing a username and password when a cross-origin request results in a 401 has varying behavior between browsers. In the LabVIEW NXG editor this will result in a timeout. Workaround: N/A
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673125 Return | Unsupported items appear in the "New" menu within a Web Application The "New" menu that appears when you right click on a namespace from within a Web Application displays unsupported items such as Resource Collections, etc. These items are not supported on a Web Server target and will be broken. Workaround: N/A
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673324 Return | Adding items to the FrontPanelCanvas tags in the HTML panel always places the new items at the top of the section Because the items that are added are always at the top of the section, the content that is added will always appear behind the content that LabVIEW NXG creates Workaround: Set the z-index property for the item that is being added
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676137 Return | Clicking and dragging to select multiple items within a cluster on the front panel fails Workaround: Manually select the items within the cluster while holding Shift
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676407 Return | Controls always use their default values when left in the Unplaced Items tray If you place a control on the front panel and change its value, that value will be used. However, if you move the control back to the Unplaced Items tray, the value that is passed over the wire is its default value. Moving the control back to the front panel shows the value that was entered, not the default. Workaround: N/A
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672725 Return | Data Grid column headers are not visible when a Web VI is running At edit time, the column headers of a data grid are visible. When you run the Web VI in LabVIEW NXG, or run a built web application in a browser, the headers are no longer visible. Workaround: N/A
Document last updated on 2/2/2018