LabVIEW Known Issues Categories Defined


This document describes the meaning of the LabVIEW Known Issues Document issue categories, and is valid for any LabVIEW-core Known Issues Document. Refer to this page for information on what each issue category describes.

Issue Category Definitions


Category Name
Definition of Category
ActiveX and .NET
Issues related to the calling or executing of ActiveX or .NET code in your LabVIEW program.
Analysis and MathIssues in the LabVIEW math or analysis VIs, however, issues related to LabVIEW MathScript can be found under the "Mathscript" category
Building and Distributing LabVIEW ApplicationsBuilding LabVIEW EXEs, DLLs, Web Services, Installers, or Source Distributions.  Includes issues with distributing your code in these forms, or behavior differences between code in an EXE or in the LabVIEW development environment. This category also includes issues with calling a LabVIEW built DLL from other languages.
Issues with LabVIEW caused due to a non-LabVIEW software being used or installed. This could include NI-DAQmx, NI TestStand, Shared NI Components, web browsers etc. For more information on a specific non-LabVIEW software or hardware, please refer to the corresponding Known Issues List
Controls and IndicatorsRelating to specific LabVIEW controls or indicators.  Includes controls and indicators such as numerics, boolean, system controls, graphs, charts, etc...
LabVIEW DataSockets or DataSocket binding.
DocumentationLabVIEW Documentation problems, corrections, omissions, or clarifications.
Example Programs
Problems with examples shipping with LabVIEW in the Example Finder.  Examples appearing on the web are generally not included as they are not linked to a specific product version.
External Code
Problems calling external code in LabVIEW through DLLs, or the interfacing of LabVIEW with non-LabVIEW code usually through C/C++ DLLs. ActiveX and .NET issues are in a separate category.
File I/O
Issues relating to the reading or writing of files.  Includes file I/O through the LabVIEW File I/O primitives, TDM/TDMS VIs, Datalog VIs or any other access to files.
Functions, VIs, and Express VIs
Issues occuring due to problems with specific functions, primitives, VIs, or Express VIs.  When a problem is with a function or VI that could fit in a more specific category, it is generally classified in that more-specific category.  For example, if a bug existed in the "Write To Measurement File" VI, it will be listed under the "File I/O" category.
Import Shared Library Wizard
Issues related to the Import Shared Library Wizard feature in LabVIEW. Problems calling specific DLLs can be found in the "External Code" category
Installation and Activation
Problems with the installation or activation of the software.
LabVIEW Environment
Problems with the LabVIEW Application Development Environment itself.  This includes problems with the editor, or any non-run-time feature that doesn't have its own category.  For example, an issue with saving your VIs or problems with the LabVIEW Icon Editor may appear in this category.
Object Oriented Programming
Issues with LabVIEW Object Oriented Programming or LabVIEW Classes.
LabVIEW Project
Issues with the LabVIEW Project
Issues with the MathScript node, the MathScript window, or a specific MathScript function.
Issues with creating or using menus in your LabVIEW code.  Includes both custom right-click menus, menu files, and customizing run-time menus in your LabVIEW code.
Anything that does not fit in one of the other categories.  This category has the lowest precedence, meaning that an issue will be put here only if it does not fit in another category. Issues in this category are subject to removal -- if multiple issues in this category are related, a new category for those issues may be created.
NI Services
Issues with any NI Service that is running in conjunction with or needed by LabVIEW.
Operating System Specific
Differences in the behavior of the LabVIEW development system or your LabVIEW code between specific operating systems.  For example, differences in how your code may execute on Linux vs. Windows 2000.
PerformanceProblems with, differences between, or information relating to the performance of your LabVIEW code.
Remote Panels
Issues with hosting or connecting to LabVIEW Remote Front Panels.
Source Code Control
Issues with interfacing LabVIEW with source code control providers.
Toolkit - Other
LabVIEW Toolkits other than ones which have specific Known Issues Documents or Categories
Toolkit - Report Generation
Issues with the LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit and its associated functions and VIs.
Upgrade - Behavior Change
Issues resulting from changes in the execution or behavior of LabVIEW code from previous versions which could cause your program to behave differently in the new version of LabVIEW. If you are not upgrading your code from a previous version of LabVIEW, you do not need to consider this category. Anyone using the current version of LabVIEW could be affected by one of these behavior changes, but users upgrading from previous versions should give special attention to these issues as the behavior of code could potentially change after upgrading. Be sure to pay special attention to the "Reported Version" field of the issue, as that is the first version of LabVIEW affected by the issue; if you are coming from versions of LabVIEW before the reported version your code may behave differently after upgrading.

One common type of Behavior Change Upgrade behavior is a new bug in LabVIEW; if you were not upgrading you may experience the bug, but if you were upgrading, the behavior of your code could change, making it harder to identify the problem. Behavior changes due to new bugs will also be reported in specific categories since non-upgrading users may also encounter the bug.
Upgrade - Migration
Issues that only affect you if you are upgrading your code from a previous version.  These are issues that do not affect code written in the current version of LabVIEW.  This includes installation issues unique to upgrading your LabVIEW version, as well as any other known problem that could affect your code during migration.  Some examples include broken VIs after upgrading, mutation code failing to update your VIs to the new versions, or expected performance changes that could inversely alter the operation of your code after upgrading.

Glossary of Terms


  • Bug ID - When an issue is reported to NI, you may be given this ID or find it on  You may also find IDs posted by NI on the discussion forums or in KnowledgeBase articles.
  • Legacy ID – An older issue ID that refers to the same issue.  You may instead find this issue ID in older known issues documents.
  • Description - A few sentences which describe the problem. The brief description given does not necessarily describe the problem in full detail.
  • Workaround - Possible ways to work around the problem.
  • Reported Version - The earliest version in which the issue was reported.
  • Resolved Version - Version in which the issue was resolved or was no longer applicable. "N/A" indicates that the issue has not been resolved.
  • Date Added - The date the issue was added to the document (not the reported date).