Large-Scale Experimental Research (LSER)

Scientists need higher particle energies and plasma power to conduct large-scale, groundbreaking research. Customizing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems enables engineers to build unique measurement, diagnostic, and control systems that are highly available and cost effective.

CERN scientists and engineers conduct plasma physics experimentation relying on particle accelerators and particle colliders to crash beams of ions or protons into targets releasing enormous amounts of energy, allowing them to recreate and study the high energy conditions that existed during the formation of the early universe.

Accelerate Scientific Discovery with a Customizable Off-the-Shelf Platform

Accelerator and tokamak measurement and control systems require a broad range of I/O, signal processing, and connectivity. And engineers must deliver these systems while balancing costs, tight schedules, and reliability metrics. NI’s software-defined COTS platform uses state-of-the-art components and subsystems to deliver reliable and cost-effective solutions for your applications. For decades, researchers and scientists have relied on NI’s modular instrumentation and application software to help them work better, smarter, and faster to achieve their goals from design to production.

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Solutions to measure critical beam parameters enabling beam tune up and trajectory correction.
In the field of quantum physics extremely high energy levels are needed, and reliability and accuracy are critical for success. To prevent particles from straying from their intended paths PXI hardware can be used along with devices called collimators to prevent particles from straying.
NI offers a variety of solutions for high-performance measurements that allow you to meet demanding schedule, cost, and RASM targets; and the ability to integrate with plasma control applications such Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS).

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Services to Ensure Success

NI complements its industry-leading products with experts around the globe who deliver services to help you achieve your goals. NI partners with you throughout the life cycle of your application by delivering training, technical support, consultation and integration services, and maintenance programs to help drive your success.