TS-15050 Specifications


Specifications are typical under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.

  • Ambient temperature of 0 °C to 55 °C. The ambient temperature is defined as the temperature at the enclosure fan inlet (air intake). Refer to the Thermal Considerations topic in the backplanes documentation on ni.com/docs for additional information on ambient temperature characteristics and cooling requirements.
  • All voltages relative to COM

Digital Input/Output

Number of channels

8 digital input/output channels

Input/output type

3.3 V TTL, single-ended

Default power-on line direction


Digital logic levels


3.6 V maximum

High, VIH

2 V minimum

Low, VIL

0.8 V maximum

Output High, VOH (3.465 V maximum)

Sourcing 100 µA

3 V minimum

Sourcing 2 mA

2.6 V minimum

Output Low, VOL

Sinking 100 µA

0.2 V maximum

Sinking 2 mA

0.4 V maximum

Maximum signal switching frequency, per channel

8 input channels

9 MHz

4 input channels

16 MHz

2 input channels

30 MHz


8 input channels

5 MHz

4 input channels

10 MHz

2 input channels

12 MHz

Note Maximum signal switching frequency for output is by number of output channels with an output load of 1 mA, 47 pF.

I/O propagation delay

50 ns maximum

I/O pulse width distortion

10 ns

Input current (0 V ≤ VIN ≤ 3.3 V)

±250 µA

Input capacitance

40 pF

Input rise/fall time

200 ns maximum

Overvoltage protection, channel-to-COM

±30 V maximum on one channel at a time

Note Continued use at the maximum overvoltage protection level will degrade the life of the module.

TS-15050 Pinout

Figure 1. TS-15050 Terminal and Pin Assignments

Table 1. Signal Descriptions
Signal Name Signal Description
DIO Digital input/output signal connection
COM Common reference connection to ground
NC No connect

Power Requirements

Power consumption from backplane, Vsup

450 mW maximum

Thermal dissipation

1.7 W maximum

Note Power dissipation includes power loss from the onboard switching regulator that powers the backplane.

Physical Characteristics


37.8 g (1.33 oz)

Environmental Characteristics

Table 2. Temperature
Operating 0 °C to 55 °C
Storage -40 °C to 71 °C
Table 3. Humidity
Operating 10% to 90%, noncondensing
Storage 5% to 95%, noncondensing
Table 4. Pollution Degree
Pollution degree 2
Table 5. Maximum Altitude
Maximum altitude 2,000 m
Table 6. Shock and Vibration
Operating vibration 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS
Non-operating vibration 5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS
Operating shock 30 g, half-sine, 11 ms pulse