- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Connect a SequenceFileView Manager control to an InsertionPalette control so users can insert steps and template items into a sequence file by dragging or double-clicking.
Select Customize from the context menu of the Step Types list to launch the Step Type Menu Editor dialog box, in which you can customize the structure of the menu.
You can add sequences, steps, or variables to the Templates list by dragging sequences, steps, or variables to the InsertionPalette control from a ListBox , ListBar , SequenceView , or VariablesView control. You can rename, copy, paste, delete, import, and export the items in the Templates list using the context menu, and you can rearrange the items using drag and drop.
You can use one of the following operations to insert a step from the Step Types list or a sequence, step, or variable from the Templates list to a user interface control that displays a list of the corresponding object type:
- Double-click an item in the InsertionPalette control. TestStand inserts the item below the current step, sequence, or variable depending on the type of the item.
- Select an item in the InsertionPalette control and press <Enter>. TestStand inserts the item below the current step, sequence, or variable depending on the type of the item.
- Right-click an item in the InsertionPalette control and select Insert from the context menu. TestStand inserts the item below the current step, sequence, or variable depending on the type of the item.
- Drag an item from the InsertionPalette control and drop the item in the corresponding user interface control that contains a list of the type of items.