Validate IVI Configuration Dialog Box

Click Validate in the Edit IVI Dmm Step dialog box, in the Edit IVI Scope Step dialog box, in the Edit IVI Fgen Step dialog box, or in the Edit IVI Power Supply Step dialog box to launch the Validate IVI Configuration dialog box, in which you can validate the configuration of IVI steps.

The Validate IVI Configuration dialog box contains the following options:

  • Logical Name —Selects a logical name or a virtual instrument name you configure in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).
    Note All IVI names, such as logical names or virtual names, are case-sensitive. When you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in the program, you must ensure that the name you use matches the name in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters in the name.
  • Configure Attributes —Lists the settings to validate with the instrument. The Expression column displays all of the settings taken from the Edit IVI <Step Name> Step dialog box. The Attribute column displays the name of the setting. The Expression Error column displays whether the expression can be evaluated properly at this time.
    • Expression —The expression to use to evaluate the value of the selected attribute in the list. If the expression cannot be evaluated, you can replace the expression with a literal value.
    • Value —The evaluated value of the expression specified in the Expression control.
    • Show All —When you disable this option, the list control only displays the expressions that could not be evaluated. When you enable this option, the list control displays all settings.
  • Init —Opens an IVI session to a virtual instrument. The Simulate option specifies whether the instrument session uses simulation instead of talking directly to the instrument.
  • Simulate —When you enable this option, the initializing instrument session is required to simulate instrument driver I/O operations. When you enable the Simulate option and the instrument supports simulation, the specific driver functions perform range checking, but they do not perform instrument I/O, and the class driver returns simulated data for output function parameters.
  • Close —Closes the instrument session.
  • Reset —Places the instrument in a known state by sending the command string "*RST" to the instrument.
  • Configure —Configures the instrument to match the state the specified settings specify.
  • Show Soft Front Panel —Displays the instrument soft front panel so you can directly interact with the instrument.

See Also

Edit IVI Dmm Step dialog box

Edit IVI Fgen Step dialog box

Edit IVI Power Supply Step dialog box

Edit IVI Scope Step dialog box