Edit IVI Power Supply Step Dialog Box

Select Edit IVI Power Supply in the context menu for the step to launch the Edit IVI Power Supply Step dialog box from the TestStand Sequence Editor or a TestStand User Interface . From a user interface, you can also click Edit IVI Power Supply on the General tab of the Step Properties dialog box. In the Edit IVI Power Supply dialog box, select an operation for the step to perform.

The IVI Power Supply step type supports the following options:

  • Logical Name —Selects a logical name or a virtual instrument name you configure in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). You can use the buttons to the right of the control to launch the Expression Browser dialog box and to launch MAX.
    • TestStand does not install IVI-compliant instrument drivers and does not configure any sample logical names in MAX. Refer to the application help for the IVI Instruments category in MAX for more information about where to obtain and how to install IVI-compliant instrument drivers, as well as how to create the logical names IVI step types use.
    • All IVI names, such as logical names, virtual names, or channel names, are case-sensitive. When you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in the program, you must ensure that the name you use matches the name in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters in the name.
  • Operation —The operation the step performs. The following operations are available to you using the IVI Power Supply step type:
  • Validate —Launches the Validate IVI Configuration dialog box, in which you can validate the configuration of IVI steps.

See Also

Expression Browser dialog box

IVI Step Types

Step Properties dialog box

Validate IVI Configuration dialog box