- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
UndoItemCreator.BeginBatchEdit( objs)
Call this method before you modify a batch of TestStand objects.
Instead of calling this method and the UndoItemCreator.EndBatchEdit method, you could call the UndoItemCreator.BeginEditEx and UndoItemCreator.EndEdit methods once for every object you pass to this method. However, it is somewhat more efficient to insert, delete, and move steps using the UndoItemCreator.BeginBatchEdit and UndoItemCreator.EndBatchEdit methods.
objs As Object Array
[In] Specifies the objects you are about to modify. The objects you pass depend on which EditKinds you passed to the Engine.NewUndoItemCreator method. Because you pass the same object to this method as you would pass to the UndoItemCreator.BeginEdit method, see the UndoItemCreator.BeginEdit method for more information about which objects to pass to this method.