- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Step.ExecuteSubstep( substepIndex, [sequenceContextParam])
Return Value
Returns True if the substep indicates that it modified the step by incrementing the sequence file change count. Typically, only Edit substeps increment the sequence file change count.
Executes a step type substep.
Call this method to execute a substep from the step type of the specified step. Examine the step type to determine the substeps it provides. This method can execute any type of substep including Pre, Post, Edit, or Custom substeps.
Use the PropertyObject.GetArrayOffset method to obtain the index from the name of a substep. For example: RunState.PreviousStep.ExecuteSubstep(RunState.Engine.GetTypeDefinition("MessagePopup").GetArrayOffset("Substeps", 0, "[\"Post\"]"))
substepIndex As Long
[In] Specifies the zero-based index of the substep. Use the PropertyObject.GetArrayOffset method to obtain the index from the name of a substep.
sequenceContextParam As Variant
[In] [ Optional ] Typically, you pass the current sequence context when you call this method from within a thread of an execution. If you do not pass any value for this parameter, TestStand approximates the sequence context as if you are running the step in a sequence. When executing substeps from a user interface, do not pass any value for this parameter.