- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
PropertyObject.ReadEx( pathString, objectName, RWoptions, handlerType = ConflictHandler_Error)
Reads the contents of an object from a file and stores them in the PropertyObject. You specify the file with the pathString parameter and specify the object in the file with the objectName parameter.
pathString As String
[In] Specifies the pathname of the file from which to read the object data.
objectName As String
[In] Specifies the name with which the object is stored in the file.
RWoptions As Long
[In] Pass 0 to specify the default behavior, or pass one or more ReadWriteOptions constants. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify multiple read/write options.
handlerType As TypeConflictHandlerTypes
[In] Specifies how to handle type conflicts in the file.
This parameter has a default value of ConflictHandler_Error .
See Also
Thread Safety of the PropertyObject API and TestStand Variables