- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
PropertyObject.GetValInterface( lookupString, options)
Return Value
IUnknown pointer value of the property.
Returns the value of the ActiveX Automation Reference property the lookupString parameter specifies. The object is returned as an IUnknown pointer.
This method returns a NULL reference, if that is what the property contains.
This method and the PropertyObject.GetValIDispatch method apply to the PropValType_Reference value type. The PropertyObject.GetValInterface and PropertyObject.SetValInterface methods are meant for advanced users who want to store arbitrary interfaces in TestStand reference properties.
lookupString As String
[In] Pass an empty string to denote the PropertyObject to which the method applies, or pass the name of a subproperty within the PropertyObject. You can also pass lookup strings to this parameter.
options As Long
[In] Pass 0 to specify the default behavior, or pass one or more PropertyOptions constants. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify multiple options.
LabWindows/CVI: LPUNKNOWN tmpObj = NULL; TS_PropertyGetValInterface(propObj, &errorInfo, "Locals.ActiveXAutoObj", 0, &tmpObj); if (tmpObj) tmpObj->lpVtbl->Release(tmpObj); Visual Basic (function call): Dim tmpObj As SpecificInterfaceType Set tmpObj = propObj.GetValInterface("Locals.ActiveXAutoObj", 0) Visual Basic (inline): Dim tmpObj As SpecificInterfaceType Set tmpObj = propObj.Locals.ActiveXAutoObj Visual C++: LPUNKNOWN tmpObjPtr = NULL; tmpObjPtr = propObj->GetValInterface("Locals.ActiveXAutoObj", 0); if (tmpObjPtr) tmpObjPtr->Release();
See Also
Thread Safety of the PropertyObject API and TestStand Variables