- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
PropertyObject.GetValBinary( lookupString, options)
Return Value
Returns an array of bytes that contains the binary data the string property stores.
Returns the binary data stored in the string value of the property the lookupString parameter specifies. The PropertyObject.SetValBinary method must have set the string value.
This method unencodes and decompresses the binary data the string stores. You can use this method to retrieve arbitrary binary data from TestStand string variables or properties.
lookupString As String
[In] Pass an empty string to denote the PropertyObject to which the method applies, or pass the name of a subproperty within the PropertyObject. You can also pass lookup strings to this parameter.
options As Long
[In] Pass 0 to specify the default behavior, or pass one or more PropertyOptions constants. Use the bitwise-OR operator to specify multiple options.
See Also
Thread Safety of the PropertyObject API and TestStand Variables