


Data Type


Use the following constants with this data type:

  • LicenseType_BaseDeploymentEngine –(Value: 3) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Base Deployment Engine License.
  • LicenseType_CustomEditorDeployment –(Value: 9) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Custom Sequence Editor License.
  • LicenseType_DebugDeploymentEnv –(Value: 2) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Debug Deployment Environment License.
  • LicenseType_DevelopmentSystem –(Value: 1) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Development System License.
  • LicenseType_Evaluation –(Value: 5) Indicates that TestStand is using an Evaluation license.
  • LicenseType_NoLicense –(Value: 6) Indicates that TestStand is using no license.
  • LicenseType_OEM –(Value: 4) Indicates that TestStand is using an OEM license.
  • LicenseType_Other –(Value: 8) Indicates that TestStand cannot determine the type of license.
  • LicenseType_Temporary –(Value: 7) Indicates that TestStand is using a temporary license. TestStand acquires a temporary license when NI License Manager cannot access the Volume License server.


Returns the type of the license the TestStand Engine is using.


If multiple license types are activated on the same computer, the TestStand Engine prioritizes the minimum required license over others. If all four TestStand license types are activated on a computer, the following licenses are prioritized:

  • TestStand Sequence Editor–Debug Deployment Environment
  • TestStand Editor UI–Custom Sequence Editor
  • TestStand Operator UI–Base Deployment Engine

See Also

Activating Your Software with the NI License Manager

TestStand Licensing Options