- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Use these constants with the Engine.LicenseType property to determine the type of license the TestStand Engine is using.
- LicenseType_BaseDeploymentEngine –(Value: 3) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Base Deployment Engine License.
- LicenseType_CustomEditorDeployment –(Value: 9) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Custom Sequence Editor License.
- LicenseType_DebugDeploymentEnv –(Value: 2) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Debug Deployment Environment License.
- LicenseType_DevelopmentSystem –(Value: 1) Indicates that TestStand is using a TestStand Development System License.
- LicenseType_Evaluation –(Value: 5) Indicates that TestStand is using an Evaluation license.
- LicenseType_NoLicense –(Value: 6) Indicates that TestStand is using no license.
- LicenseType_OEM –(Value: 4) Indicates that TestStand is using an OEM license.
- LicenseType_Other –(Value: 8) Indicates that TestStand cannot determine the type of license.
- LicenseType_Temporary –(Value: 7) Indicates that TestStand is using a temporary license. TestStand acquires a temporary license when NI License Manager cannot access the Volume License server.