- Updated2024-10-09
- 2 minute(s) read
Engine.DisplayRunTimeErrorDialogEx( dlgTitle, sequenceContextParam, dlgOptions, suspendExecution, dontShowAgainForExecution, dontShowAgainForBatch, runTimeErrorAction)
Launches the Run-Time Error dialog box to display error information for the specified sequence context.
The sequence editor and user interfaces typically call this function in response to a UIMsg_BreakOnRunTimeError event. The dialog box allows the user to specify how the execution is to proceed.
If you use this method within an Engine callback, use the ThisContext.Caller property to pass the sequence context of the sequence that generated the error.
dlgTitle As String
[In] Specifies the title of the dialog box. Pass an empty string to use the default title for the dialog box.
sequenceContextParam As SequenceContext
[In] Specifies the sequence context from the thread that caused the run-time error.
dlgOptions As Long
[In] Specify CommonDlgOption_NoOptions or CommonDlgOption_ModalToAppMainWnd .
suspendExecution As Boolean
[Out] Returns a value that indicates whether the user wants the current execution to suspend at the location of the run-time error.
dontShowAgainForExecution As Boolean
[Out] Returns a value that indicates whether the user wants this dialog box to launch again if another run-time error occurs in the current execution. If this value is True , set the Execution.RTEOptionForThisExecution property to specify what to do on a run-time error for this execution.
dontShowAgainForBatch As Boolean
[Out] Returns a value that indicates whether the user wants this dialog box to launch again if another run-time error occurs in any execution that has a thread from the same batch as the thread in the sequence context you specify. If this value is True , call the Thread.SetBatchRTEOption method to set what to do on a run-time error for these executions.
runTimeErrorAction As RTEOptions
[Out] Returns the option the user selects in the dialog box to specify how the execution is to proceed.