- Updated2024-10-09
- 1 minute(s) read
Engine.DisplayErrorDialog( dlgTitle, errorMessage, errorCode, dlgOptions)
Launches a dialog box to display an error message.
Depending on the error message, the dialog might divide the message into expandable subsections. If the message includes location information, the dialog can offer the user the option to navigate to the location.
dlgTitle As String
[In] Specifies the title of the dialog box. Pass an empty string to use the default title for the dialog box.
errorMessage As String
[In] Specifies the error message text to display in the dialog box.
errorCode As Long
[In] Specifies the error code to display in the dialog box. If the error code is a TestStand error code and the errorMessage does not already contain the description of the error code, the dialog also displays the error code description.
dlgOptions As Long
[In] Specifies CommonDlgOption_NoOptions or CommonDlgOption_DisableGotoLocation .