

Engine.DisplayConfigureTypePalettesDialog( dlgTitle, dlgOptions = 0)

Return Value


Returns True if you click OK in the dialog box. Returns False if you click Cancel .

Note Even if this method returns False , modifications made to sequence files and type palettes might have been saved because some operations in the dialog box prompt you to save a type palette. Saving a type palette prompts you to increment a version number, which is an edit of the file for all files that reference the type.


Launches a dialog box in which you can edit the order of the type palettes and add or remove type palettes for the engine to load.


dlgTitle As String

[In] Specifies the title of the dialog box. Pass an empty string to use the default title for the dialog box.

dlgOptions As Long

[In] Specify CommonDlgOption_NoOptions or CommonDlgOption_ModalToAppMainWind . By default, the dialog box is modal to the last active window of the calling thread, or if there is none, to the last active window from the Engine.AppMainHwnd property. Pass CommonDlgOption_ModalToAppMainWind if you want a modal dialog box with respect to the window handle of the AppMainHwnd property. Typically, you do not need to set this option.

This parameter has a default value of 0 .

See Also

