Setting Up a SystemLink Server

Install and configure SystemLink Server on your host to begin managing systems and working with data. SystemLink Server includes the SystemLink web application and SystemLink APIs.

Before you begin, determine the size of the server to optimize performance. Also install the following applications:
  • NI Package Manager (NIPM)
  • Volume License Manager if you will use SystemLink on machines other than the host; for example, if you will connect a machine to your server using SystemLink Client.
Note SystemLink Server is backwards compatible with older SystemLink Client versions, but it is not forwards compatible.
  1. In NI Package Manager, on the Browse Products tab, search for and install SystemLink Server and related installers.
    You do not need to install SystemLink Client on your server machine.
  2. Restart your machine to complete the installation.
  3. Launch NI Web Server Configuration and follow the prompts in NI Web Server Configuration to set up your server. You can use these credentials to log into SystemLink with server administrator privileges.
    For more information on server settings, refer to the NI Web Server Configuration help.
  4. Create a DNS alias.
    1. In NI Web Server Configuration, click Remote.
    2. Select Allow remote connection from any client.
    3. Enter the DNS alias to use for your server. The third-party DNS server you use will determine this alias.
    4. Click Apply and Restart.
  5. Prepare your server to connect to SystemLink Client.
    1. Ensure the following default ports are open on your server.
      SystemLink automatically manages the local Windows firewall. If you are on a corporate network, you may need to work with your IT department to configure your corporate network firewall.
      Port Purpose
      80 (default HTTP) or 443 (default HTTPS, recommended) The SystemLink web application uses these ports to enable targets to install packages from the server and publish and receive data.
      2343, 2809, and 59110-59210 Clients, such as DIAdem, use these ports to access the SystemLink DataFinder index.
      4505-4506 SaltStack uses these ports to execute remote procedures on targets.
    2. If you are setting up SystemLink on a network that uses a proxy server, configure proxy settings for SystemLink.
After completing basic setup for your server, you can complete any of the following tasks depending on your use case:
  • Connect to a remote database or file share to enhance scalability.
  • Manage access to SystemLink using workspaces, roles, and privileges.
Next, set up at least one SystemLink client for a Windows target or NI Linux Real-Time target to begin managing systems in the SystemLink web application.