Updating Digitizer Firmware

You may need to update the firmware for your PXIe-5622 IF Digitizer to get new features or critical bug fixes. The firmware for most NI IF digitizers is included with the most recent version of the NI-SCOPE driver, however, to update the firmware for the PXIe-5622, you must run a firmware update utility.

Complete the following steps to update firmware for the PXIe-5622.
  1. Ensure that you have installed the latest version of NI-SCOPE on your host PC.
  2. Ensure that your device and PXI Express chassis are properly connected to your host PC.
  3. Locate and run the following program: Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\fpgafiles\ni<device number>\NI-PXIe-<device number> Firmware Updater.exe
  4. When the program finishes, restart your host PC and PXI Express chassis.