PXIe-4481 Specifications


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.

Specifications are Typical unless otherwise noted.


Specifications are valid for the range 0 °C to 55 °C unless otherwise noted.

Input Characteristics

Number of simultaneously sampled input channels


Measurement types

Voltage, each channel independently software-selectable

Input configuration


Differential or pseudodifferential (50 Ω between negative input and chassis ground), each channel independently software-selectable

Input coupling


AC or DC, each channel independently software-selectable

A/D converter (ADC) resolution

24 bits

ADC type


Sample rates (ƒs)


100 Sample/s to 1.25 MSample/s

Resolution[1]1 Dependent on the sample rate. Refer to the PXIe-4480/4481 User Manual for more information.

1.458 mSample/s

ADC modulator sample rate

20 MSample/s

FIFO buffer size

1,023 samples per task + 8,221 samples per channel in task

Data transfers

Direct Memory Access (DMA), Programmed I/O

Common-Mode Range (Voltage)

Input Configuration
Differential (V peak)* Pseudodifferential (V peak)*
Positive input (+) ±10 ±10
Negative input (-) ±10 ±10
* Voltages with respect to chassis ground.

Signal Range (Voltage)

Range (V) * Full-Scale Input, Minimum
V peak V RMS
10 ±10.0 7.07
5 ±5.0 3.53
1 ±1.0 0.707
0.5 ±0.5 0.353

* Each input channel range is independently software-selectable.

Sine input.


Overvoltage Protection (Voltage)

Input Configuration
Differential (V peak)* Pseudodifferential (V peak)*
Positive input (+) ±30 ±30
Negative input (-) ±30 ±10

* Voltages with respect to chassis ground.

Overvoltage Protection (Unpowered)

Input Voltage (V peak)*
Positive input (+) ±15
Negative input (-) ±15

* Voltages with respect to chassis ground.

Transfer Characteristics

Offset (Residual DC)

Range (V) DC-Coupled Offset (±mV)*, Maximum (Typical) AC-Coupled Offset (±mV), Typical, 25 °C AC-Coupled Offset (±mV), Maximum, 55 °C
10 5.0 (2.0) 1.1 7.0
5 2.2 (1.0) 0.6 5.0
1 0.8 (0.5) 0.3 4.2
0.5 0.65 (0.4) 0.3 4.2

* Source impedance ≤ 50 Ω.

Applied DC bias ≤ 15 V.

Gain Amplitude Accuracy


1 kHz input tone

±0.05 dB max, ±0.02 dB typical

Amplifier Characteristics

Input Impedance (Voltage)

Input Impedance Configuration
Differential Pseudodifferential
Between positive input and chassis ground 1.62 MΩ || 200 pF 1.62 MΩ || 200 pF
Between negative input and chassis ground 1.62 MΩ || 200 pF 50 Ω

Common-Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)

Range (V) DC-Coupled CMRR (dBc)*, † AC-Coupled CMRR (dBc)*, ‡
10 60 60
5 70 70
1 85 80
0.5 90 80

* ƒin1 kHz.

Differential configuration.

ƒin = 50 Hz or 60 Hz.

Dynamic Characteristics

Bandwidth and Alias Rejection

Alias-free bandwidth (BW) (passband)

DC to 0.403 ƒs

Alias rejection

120 dBc minimum, 0.597 ƒs < ƒin < 19.25375 MHz

Filter Delay

Digital filter delay

Adjustable[2]2 Digital filter delay is compensated to 0 ns by default and adjustable in software.

Analog filter delay

10 V range

31 ns

5 V range

47 ns

1 V range

150 ns

0.5 V range

215 ns

AC Coupling (Voltage)

-3 dB cutoff frequency

0.49 Hz

-0.1 dB cutoff frequency

3.2 Hz

Figure 1. AC-Coupled Voltage Measurement Magnitude Response vs. Frequency


Figure 2. AC-Coupled Voltage Measurement Phase Response vs. Frequency


Gain Flatness (Voltage)

Range (V) ƒs = 1.25 MSamples/s
DC-Coupled Flatness (dB)*, Maximum (Typical)
ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 50 kHz ƒin > 50 kHz to 100 kHz ƒin > 100 kHz to 200 kHz ƒin > 200 kHz to 500 kHz
10 ±0.007 (±0.001) ±0.013 (±0.003) ±0.03 (±0.003) ±0.11 (±0.005) (±0.025)
5 ±0.007 (±0.001) ±0.013 (±0.003) ±0.03 (±0.0035) ±0.11 (±0.0055) (±0.04)
1 ±0.007 (±0.001) ±0.016 (±0.004) ±0.057 (±0.022) ±0.22 (±0.1) (±0.6)
0.5 ±0.008 (±0.002) ±0.025 (±0.012) ±0.094 (±0.055) ±0.36 (±0.23) (±1.25)
* Relative to 1 kHz.
Range (V) ƒs = 1.25 MSamples/s
AC-Coupled Flatness (dB)*, Maximum (Typical)
ƒin25 Hz ƒin > 25 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 50 kHz ƒin > 50 kHz to 100 kHz ƒin > 100 kHz to 200 kHz ƒin > 200 kHz to 500 kHz
10 Refer to the following figure. ±0.007 (±0.001) ±0.013 (±0.003) ±0.03 (±0.003) ±0.11 (±0.005) (±0.025)
5 Refer to the following figure. ±0.007 (±0.001) ±0.013 (±0.003) ±0.03 (±0.0035) ±0.11 (±0.0055) (±0.04)
1 Refer to the following figure. ±0.007 (±0.001) ±0.016 (±0.004) ±0.057 (±0.022) ±0.22 (±0.1) (±0.6)
0.5 Refer to the following figure. ±0.008 (±0.002) ±0.025 (±0.012) ±0.094 (±0.055) ±0.36 (±0.23) (±1.25)
* Relative to 1 kHz.
Figure 3. Voltage Measurement AC-Coupled Gain Flatness


Interchannel Gain Mismatch (Voltage)

Range (V) AC/DC-Coupled Mismatch (dB)*, Maximum, (Typical) AC-Coupled Mismatch (dB)*, Maximum (Typical)
ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 50 kHz ƒin > 50 kHz to 100 kHz ƒin = 5 Hz ƒin = 10 Hz
10 0.011 (0.005) 0.011 (0.005) 0.011 (0.005) 0.019 (0.009) 0.015 (0.007)
5 0.013 (0.006) 0.013 (0.006) 0.013 (0.006)
1 0.015 (0.007) 0.015 (0.007) 0.019 (0.009)
0.5 0.015 (0.007) 0.017 (0.008) 0.034 (0.017)
* Identical channel configurations.

Interchannel Phase Mismatch (Voltage)

Range (V) AC/DC-Coupled Mismatch*, Maximum, (Typical) AC-Coupled Mismatch*, Maximum (Typical)
ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 50 kHz ƒin > 50 kHz to 100 kHz ƒin = 5 Hz ƒin = 10 Hz
10 0.02° (0.01°) 0.05° (0.025°) 0.1° (0.05°) 0.34° (0.17°) 0.17° (0.09°)
5 0.04° (0.02°) 0.10° (0.05°) 0.2° (0.1°)
1 0.24° (0.12°) 0.60° (0.30°) 1.2° (0.6°)
0.5 0.38° (0.19°) 0.96° (0.48°) 1.9° (0.95°)
* Identical channel configurations.
Note Listed gain and phase mismatch specifications are valid for measurements made on channels on the same module. For measurements made on channels on different modules, the listed gain and phase mismatch specifications still apply, but are subject to the following conditions:
  • For gain matching, all modules must be properly warmed up. Refer to the Environmental section for the specified warm-up time.
  • For phase matching, all modules must be synchronized to a common timebase. To the listed specifications, add the following error: 360° × ƒin × clock skew. Refer to the Timing and Synchronization section for the maximum intermodule clock skew.

Idle Channel Noise (Voltage)

Range (V) Idle Channel Noise (µV RMS)*
ƒs = 51.2 kSample/s ƒs = 204.8 kSample/s ƒs = 1.25 MSample/s
10 16 32 87
5 6.5 13 35
1 1.8 3.6 9.1
0.5 1.5 3.0 7.1
* Source impedance ≤ 50 Ω.

Dynamic Range (Voltage)

Range (V) Dynamic Range (dBFS)*, †
ƒs = 51.2 kSample/s ƒs = 204.8 kSample/s ƒs = 1.25 MSample/s
10 113 107 98
5 115 109 100
1 112 106 98
0.5 107 101 94

* 1 kHz tone, -60 dBFS input amplitude.

Source impedance ≤ 50 Ω.

Representative Measurement FFTs (1 kHz)

Test conditions for all FFTs: Unaveraged computation of 1.6 million samples, differential input configuration.

Figure 4. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 10 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 5. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 10 V Range (20 kHz Bandwidth)


Figure 6. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 5 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 7. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 5 V Range (20 kHz Bandwidth)


Figure 8. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 1 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 9. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 1 V Range (20 kHz Bandwidth)


Figure 10. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 0.5 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 11. -3 dBFS, 1 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 0.5 V Range (20 kHz Bandwidth)


Representative Measurement FFTs (10 kHz)

Test conditions for all FFTs: Unaveraged computation of 1.6 million samples, differential input configuration.

Figure 12. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 10 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 13. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 10 V Range (150 kHz Bandwidth)


Figure 14. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 5 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 15. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 5 V Range (150 kHz Bandwidth)


Figure 16. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 1 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 17. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 1 V Range (150 kHz Bandwidth)


Figure 18. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 0.5 V Range (Full Bandwidth)


Figure 19. -3 dBFS, 10 kHz Tone Acquired at 1.25 MSample/s, 0.5 V Range (150 kHz Bandwidth)


Spurious Free Dynamic Range (Voltage)

Range (V) SFDR (dBC)*, †, ‡
ƒs = 51.2 kSample/s ƒs = 204.8 kSample/s ƒs = 1.25 MSample/s
10 100 100 100
5 100 100 100
1 100 100 94
0.5 100 100 88

* 1 kHz input tone, input amplitude is -3 dBFS.

Differential configuration.

Evaluation BW = 10 Hz to 0.4 ƒs

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Balanced Source

Range (V) THD (dBC)*, †
ƒs = 51.2 kSample/s ƒs = 204.8 kSample/s
ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 80 kHz
10, 5, 1, 0.5 -100 -100 -100 -98 -96

* Input amplitude is -3 dBFS.

Differential configuration.

Range (V) THD (dBC)*, †
ƒs = 1.25 MSample/s
ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 10 kHz ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 50 kHz ƒin > 50 kHz to 100 kHz
10, 5, 1, 0.5 -100 -99 -98 -95 -90

* Input amplitude is -3 dBFS.

Differential configuration.

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Unbalanced Source

Range (V) THD (dBC)*, †
ƒs = 51.2 kSample/s ƒs = 204.8 kSample/s
ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 80 kHz
10 -100 -97 -100 -90 -85
5, 1, 0.5 -100 -100 -100 -97 -96

* Input amplitude is -3 dBFS.

Pseudodifferential configuration.

Range (V) THD (dBC)*, †
ƒs = 1.25 MSample/s
ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 10 kHz ƒin = 20 Hz to 20 kHz ƒin > 20 kHz to 50 kHz ƒin > 50 kHz to 100 kHz
10 -100 -95 -90 -81 -74
5, 1, 0.5 -100 -98 -97 -92 -81

* Input amplitude is -3 dBFS.

Pseudodifferential configuration.

Crosstalk, Input Channel Separation

Range (V) Crosstalk (dBC)*, †
ƒin = 1 kHz ƒin = 100 kHz
10, 5, 1, 0.5 -140 -100

* Input amplitude is -1 dBFS.

Source impedance is ≤ 50 Ω

Voltage Reference

DC level

4,096 V

Temperature coefficient

5 ppm/°C maximum

Time stability

20 ppm/1,000 hr

IEPE Excitation

Current settings


0 mA

4 mA

4 mA minimum, 4.15 mA typical, 4.3 mA maximum

10 mA

9.7 mA minimum, 10 mA typical, 10.3 mA maximum

20 mA

19.4 mA minimum, 20 mA typical, 20.6 mA maximum

Each channel independently software-selectable.

Voltage compliance

22 V

Note Use the following equation to make sure that your configuration meets the IEPE voltage compliance range: CommonMode + Bias ±FullScale + (Excitation x 50 Ω) must be 0 V to 22 V, where

CommonMode is the common-mode voltage seen by the input channel,
Bias is the DC bias voltage of the sensor,
FullScale is the AC full-scale voltage of the sensor, and
Excitation is the selected excitation setting.

Sensor open detection3 Voltage between positive input (+) and negative input (-).[3] (software-readable)

4 mA

23 V

10 mA

22.5 V

20 mA

22 V

Sensor short detection[3] (software-readable)

4 mA

1.3 V

10 mA

1 V

20 mA

0.5 V

Channel input impedance with IEPE enabled

1.62 MΩ || 250 pF, pseudodifferential

Transducer Electronic Data Sheet

Supports Transducer Electronic Data Sheet (TEDS) according to the IEEE 1451 Standard

Class I, all module inputs

Note For more information about TEDS, visit ni.com/r/rdteds.

Maximum load capacitance

10,000 pF

Voltage Excitation

Voltage settings


0 V

10 V (fixed)

10 V

25 V (fixed)

25 V

Adjustment range

9.5 V to 11.98 V

Adjustment resolution

10 mV

Each channel independently software-selectable.

Load regulation[4]4 Excludes the effect of external cable resistance.


Output current (per channel)

25 mA minimum

Current limit detection (software-readable)

27.5 mA

Frequency Timebase Characteristics


Using internal VCXO timebase

±50 ppm maximum

Using external timebase

Equal to accuracy of external timebase

Timing and Synchronization

Number of timing engines[5]5 Two timing engines are dedicated to analog input and two timing engines are dedicated to analog output. Channels can be arbitrarily grouped and assigned to timing engines of the same channel type. Timing engines can be independently synchronized, started, and stopped. All timing engines must use the same reference clock source. Refer to the module user manual for more details on the assignment of timing engines.


Reference clock source

Onboard clock, backplane PXIe_CLK100

Intermodule ADC clock skew[6]6 Valid between PXIe-4481 modules installed in the same chassis. Between PXIe-4481 modules in different chassis, add the potential skew in the PXI_CLK10 clock distribution. Refer to the appropriate chassis documentation for its clock skew specifications.

Ttb ±5 °C

11 ns max[7]7 Listed accuracy is valid for 30 days following a timebase change. Ttb = ambient temperature at which the timebase source was last changed.

Over full operating temperature range

20 ns max


Analog trigger


Reference trigger only


Any channel


Full scale, programmable


Rising-edge or falling-edge with hysteresis, entering or leaving window


24 bits

Digital trigger


Start or reference trigger


PFI0, PXI_Trig<0..7>, PXI_Star, PXIe_DStar<A..B>


Rising or falling edge, software-selectable

Minimum pulse width

100 ns for PXI_Trig<0..7>, 20 ns for others

Output Timing Signals


Start Trigger Out, Reference Trigger Out, Sync Pulse Out


PFI0, PXI_Trig<0..7>, PXIe_DStarC


Software-selectable except for Sync Pulse Out (always active low)

PFI0 (Front Panel Digital Trigger)


Logic compatibility

3.3 V or 5 V

Input range

0 V to 5.5 V


0.95 V maximum


2.4 V minimum

Input impedance

10 kΩ

Overvoltage protection

±10 V peak


Output range

0 V to 3.45 V


0.33 V maximum at 5 mA


2.8 V minimum at 5 mA

Output impedance

50 Ω

Output current

±5 mA maximum

Time Domain Mode

Base sample rate

20 MSample/s

Sample rate decimation[8]8 Time domain mode always operates and filters at the base sample rate of 20 MSample/s. Users may request a slower sample rate that the module will create by dropping samples to decimate down to the requested rate.

Base sample rate divided by integers 1 to 15

Default FIR filter[9]9 Digital filter is user-programmable. Refer to the PXIe-4480/4481 User Manual for more details.


Equiripple low pass

Number of taps


Passband ripple

±5 mdB (DC to 800 kHz)

Stopband attenuation

120 dB, ƒin3.9 MHz

Effective number of bits (ENOB)

10 V range


5 V range


1 V range


0.5 V range


Figure 20. Time Domain Step Response, 5 V Range, Sampled at 20 MSample/s


Note The measured step response is affected by both the fixed anti-aliasing analog filtering and the digital filter used. Signal measured for step response had a rise/fall time of less than 15 ns.

General Specifications

This section lists general specification information for the PXIe-4481.

Bus Interface

Form factor

x4 PXI Express peripheral module, Specification rev. 1.0 compliant

Slot compatibility

PXI Express or PXI Express hybrid slots

DMA channels

3, analog input

Power Requirements

Voltage (V) Current (A), Maximum (Typical)
+3.3 2.0 (1.5)
+12 3.0 (2.5)


Clean the hardware with a soft, nonmetallic brush. Make sure that the hardware is completely dry and free from contaminants before returning it to service.

Dimensions (not including connectors)

16 cm x 10 cm (6.3 in. x 3.9 in.) 3U CompactPCI slot

Analog input connector

InfiniBand 12x

Digital trigger connector (PFI0)

SMB male

Front-panel LEDs

2 (Access, Active)


264 g (9.3 oz)

Measurement Category

1[10]10 Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test and measurement circuits are not intended for direct connections to the MAINS building installations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, CAT IV.

Caution Do not connect the product to signals or use for measurements within Measurement Categories II, III, or IV.
Attention Ne pas connecter le produit à des signaux dans les catégories de mesure II, III ou IV et ne pas l'utiliser pour effectuer des mesures dans ces catégories.
Caution Observe all instructions and cautions in the user documentation. Using the product in a manner not specified can damage the product and compromise the built-in safety protection.
Attention Suivez toutes les instructions et respectez toutes les mises en garde de la documentation d'utilisation. L'utilisation du produit de toute autre façon que celle spécifiée risque de l'endommager et de compromettre la protection de sécurité intégrée.


Operating Environment

Ambient temperature range

0 °C to 55 °C (Tested in accordance with IEC 60068-2-1 and IEC 60068-2-2.)

Relative humidity range

10% to 90%, noncondensing (Tested in accordance with IEC 60068-2-56.)


2,000 m (800 mbar)

Pollution degree


Indoor use only.

Storage Environment

Ambient temperature range

-40 °C to 71 °C (Tested in accordance with IEC 60068-2-1 and IEC 60068-2-2.)

Relative humidity range

5% to 95%, noncondensing (Tested in accordance with IEC 60068-2-56.)

Shock and Vibration

Operational shock

30 g peak, half-sine, 11 ms pulse (Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-27. Test profile developed in accordance with MIL-PRF-28800F.)

Random vibration


5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS


5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS (Tested in accordance with IEC-60068-2-64. Nonoperating test profile exceeds the requirements of MIL-PRF-288800F, Class 3.)


External calibration interval

2 years

Warm-up time

15 minutes

Safety Compliance Standards

This product is designed to meet the requirements of the following electrical equipment safety standards for measurement, control, and laboratory use:

  • IEC 61010-1, EN 61010-1
  • UL 61010-1, CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1
Note For safety certifications, refer to the product label or the Product Certifications and Declarations section.

Electromagnetic Compatibility

This product meets the requirements of the following EMC standards for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:

  • EN 61326-1 (IEC 61326-1): Class A emissions; Controlled immunity
  • EN 55011 (CISPR 11): Group 1, Class A emissions
  • EN 55022 (CISPR 22): Class A emissions
  • EN 55024 (CISPR 24): Immunity
  • AS/NZS CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A emissions
  • AS/NZS CISPR 22: Class A emissions
  • FCC 47 CFR Part 15B: Class A emissions
  • ICES-001: Class A emissions
Note Group 1 equipment (per CISPR 11) is any industrial, scientific, or medical equipment that does not intentionally generate radio frequency energy for the treatment of material or inspection/analysis purposes.
Note In the United States (per FCC 47 CFR), Class A equipment is intended for use in commercial, light-industrial, and heavy-industrial locations. In Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (per CISPR 11) Class A equipment is intended for use only in heavy-industrial locations.
Note For EMC declarations and certifications, and additional information, refer to the Online Product Certification section.

CE Compliance 1378

This product meets the essential requirements of applicable European Directives, as follows:

  • 2014/35/EU; Low-Voltage Directive (safety)
  • 2014/30/EU; Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC)

Product Certifications and Declarations

Refer to the product Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for additional regulatory compliance information. To obtain product certifications and the DoC for NI products, visit ni.com/product-certifications, search by model number, and click the appropriate link.

Environmental Management

NI is committed to designing and manufacturing products in an environmentally responsible manner. NI recognizes that eliminating certain hazardous substances from our products is beneficial to the environment and to NI customers.

For additional environmental information, refer to the Engineering a Healthy Planet web page at ni.com/environment. This page contains the environmental regulations and directives with which NI complies, as well as other environmental information not included in this document.

EU and UK Customers

  • 1378 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)—At the end of the product life cycle, all NI products must be disposed of according to local laws and regulations. For more information about how to recycle NI products in your region, visit ni.com/environment/weee.
  • 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法(中国RoHS)

  • 1378 中国RoHSNI符合中国电子信息产品中限制使用某些有害物质指令(RoHS)。关于NI中国RoHS合规性信息,请登录 ni.com/environment/rohs_china。(For information about China RoHS compliance, go to ni.com/environment/rohs_china.)
  • NI Services

    Visit ni.com/support to find support resources including documentation, downloads, and troubleshooting and application development self-help such as tutorials and examples.

    Visit ni.com/services to learn about NI service offerings such as calibration options, repair, and replacement.

    Visit ni.com/register to register your NI product. Product registration facilitates technical support and ensures that you receive important information updates from NI.

    NI corporate headquarters is located at 11500 N Mopac Expwy, Austin, TX, 78759-3504, USA.

    1 Dependent on the sample rate. Refer to the PXIe-4480/4481 User Manual for more information.

    2 Digital filter delay is compensated to 0 ns by default and adjustable in software.

    3 Voltage between positive input (+) and negative input (-).

    4 Excludes the effect of external cable resistance.

    5 Two timing engines are dedicated to analog input and two timing engines are dedicated to analog output. Channels can be arbitrarily grouped and assigned to timing engines of the same channel type. Timing engines can be independently synchronized, started, and stopped. All timing engines must use the same reference clock source. Refer to the module user manual for more details on the assignment of timing engines.

    6 Valid between PXIe-4481 modules installed in the same chassis. Between PXIe-4481 modules in different chassis, add the potential skew in the PXI_CLK10 clock distribution. Refer to the appropriate chassis documentation for its clock skew specifications.

    7 Listed accuracy is valid for 30 days following a timebase change. Ttb = ambient temperature at which the timebase source was last changed.

    8 Time domain mode always operates and filters at the base sample rate of 20 MSample/s. Users may request a slower sample rate that the module will create by dropping samples to decimate down to the requested rate.

    9 Digital filter is user-programmable. Refer to the PXIe-4480/4481 User Manual for more details.

    10 Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test and measurement circuits are not intended for direct connections to the MAINS building installations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, CAT IV.