Programming the PXIe-4190
- Updated2024-10-25
- 2 minute(s) read
Programming the PXIe-4190
You can generate signals interactively using InstrumentStudio or you can use the NI-DCPower instrument driver to program your device in the supported ADE of your choice.
Software | Location | Description |
InstrumentStudio |
InstrumentStudio is automatically installed when you install the NI-DCPower driver on a 64-bit system. You can access InstrumentStudio in any of the following ways:
When you install NI-DCPower on a 64-bit system, you can monitor, control, and record measurements from supported devices using InstrumentStudio. InstrumentStudio is a software-based soft front panel application that allows you to perform interactive measurements on several different device types in a single program. |
NI-DCPower Instrument Driver | LabVIEW—Available on the LabVIEW Functions palette at Start menu in the National Instruments folder. | . Examples are available from theThe NI-DCPower API configures and operates the module hardware and performs basic acquisition and measurement functions. |
LabVIEW NXG—Available from the diagram at Learning tab in the folder. | . Examples are available from the||
LabWindows/CVI—Available at Start menu in the National Instruments folder. | . LabWindows/CVI examples are available from the||
C/C++—Available at NI-DCPower in Microsoft Visual C and C++ topic of the NI DC Power Supplies and SMUs Help (installed with the NI-DCPower driver software) to manually add all required include and library files to your project. NI-DCPower does not ship with installed C/C++ examples. | . Refer to the Creating an Application with