PXIe-4142 Specifications
- Updated2024-04-29
- 8 minute(s) read
PXIe-4142 Specifications
Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.
Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.
- Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
- Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.
Specifications are Warranted unless otherwise noted.
Specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted.
- Ambient temperature[1]1 The ambient temperature of a PXI system is defined as the temperature at the chassis fan inlet (air intake). of 23 °C ± 5 ºC
- Calibration interval of 1 year
- 30 minutes warm-up time
- Self-calibration performed within the last 24 hours
- niDCPower Aperture Time property or NIDCPOWER_ATTR_APERTURE_TIME attribute set to 2 power-line cycles (PLC)
- Fans set to the highest setting if the PXI Express chassis has multiple fan speed settings
Device Capabilities
The following table and figure illustrate the voltage and the current source and sink ranges of the PXIe-4142.
Channels | DC Voltage Ranges | DC Current Source and Sink Ranges |
0 through 3* | ±24 V |
* Channels are isolated from earth ground but share a common LO. |
SMU Specifications
Voltage Programming and Measurement Accuracy/Resolution
Range | Resolution and noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) | Accuracy (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± (% of voltage + offset),[2]2 Accuracy is specified for no load output configurations. Refer to Load Regulation and Remote Sense in the Additional Specifications section for additional accuracy derating and conditions. Tcal±5 °C | Temperature Coefficient ± (% of Voltage + Offset) / °C[3]3 Temperature Coefficient applies beyond 23 °C ± 5 °C within a given tolerance of Tcal., 0 °C to 55 °C |
24 V | 200 μV | 0.1% + 10 mV | 0.0005% + 1 μV |
Range | Resolution and noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz) | Accuracy (23 °C ± 5 °C) ± (% of current + offset), Tcal ±5 °C | Tempco ± (% of current + offset)/°C, 0 °C to 55 °C [4]4 Temperature Coefficient applies beyond 23 °C ± 5 °C within a given tolerance of Tcal. |
10 μA | 100 pA | 0.1% + 5.0 nA | 0.002% + 10 pA |
100 μA | 1 nA | 0.1% + 50 nA | 0.002% + 100 pA |
1 mA | 10 nA | 0.1% + 0.5 μA | 0.002% + 1.0 nA |
10 mA | 100 nA | 0.1% + 5.0 μA | 0.002% + 10 nA |
150 mA | 1.5 μA | 0.1% + 75 μA | 0.002% + 150 nA |
Example of Calculating SMU Resolution
The PXIe-4142 has a resolution of 1,000 ppm when set to a 100 μs aperture time. In the 24 V range, resolution can be calculated by multiplying 24V by 1,000 ppm, as shown in the following equation:
24 V * 1,000 ppm = 24 V * 1,000 * 1 × 10-6 = 24 mV
Likewise, in the 150 mA range, resolution can be calculated by multiplying 150 mA by 1,000 ppm, as shown in the following equation:
150 mA * 1,000 ppm = 150 mA * 1,000 * 1 × 10-6 = 150 μA
Calculating SMU Resolution
Refer to the following figure as you complete the following steps to derive a resolution in absolute units:
- Select a voltage or current range.
- For a given aperture time, find the corresponding resolution.
- To convert resolution from ppm of range to absolute units, multiply resolution in ppm of range by the selected range.
Additional Specifications
Settling time[5]5 Current limit set to ≥1 mA and ≥10% of the selected current limit range. | <100 μs to settle to 0.1% of voltage step, device configured for fast transient response, typical |
Transient response | <100 μs to recover within ±20 mV after a load current change from 10% to 90% of range, device configured for fast transient response, typical |
Wideband source noise[6]6 20 Hz to 20 MHz bandwidth. PXIe-4142 configured for normal transient response. | 2 mV RMS, typical <20 mVpk-pk, typical |
Cable guard output impedance | 10 kΩ, typical |
The following figures illustrate the effect of the transient response setting on the step response of the PXIe-4142 for different loads.
Supplemental Specifications
Measurement and Update Timing
Sample rate accuracy | ±50 ppm | ||||||||
Maximum measure rate to host[9]9 Load dependent settling time is not included. Normal DC noise rejection is used. | 600,000 S/s per channel, continuous | ||||||||
| |||||||||
Calibration Interval
Recommended calibration interval | 1 year |
Dimensions | 3U, one-slot, PXI Express/CompactPCI Express module 2.0 cm × 13.0 cm × 21.6 cm (0.8 in. × 5.1 in. × 8.5 in.) |
Weight | 412 g (14.53 oz) |
Front panel connectors | 25-position D-SUB, male |
Power Requirements
PXI Express power requirement | 2 A from the 12 V rail and 1.9 A from the 3.3 V rail |
Environmental Characteristics
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Pollution Degree | 2 | ||||||||
Maximum altitude | 2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature) | ||||||||
PXIe-4142 Pinout
The following figure shows the terminals on the PXIe-4142 connector.
Signal Name | Description |
CH <0..3> Output HI | HI force terminal connected to channel power stage (generates and/or dissipates power). Positive polarity is defined as voltage measured on HI > LO. |
CH <0..3> Guard | Buffered output that follows the voltage of the HI force terminal. Used to drive shield conductors surrounding HI force and Sense HI conductors to minimize effects of leakage and capacitance on low level currents. |
CH <0..3> Output LO | LO force terminal connected to channel power stage (generates and/or dissipates power). Positive polarity is defined as voltage measured on HI > LO. |
CH <0..3> Sense HI | Voltage remote sense input terminals. Used to compensate for I*R voltage drops in cable leads, connectors, and switches. |
CH <0..3> Sense LO | |
NC | No Connect. |
1 The ambient temperature of a PXI system is defined as the temperature at the chassis fan inlet (air intake).
2 Accuracy is specified for no load output configurations. Refer to Load Regulation and Remote Sense in the Additional Specifications section for additional accuracy derating and conditions.
3 Temperature Coefficient applies beyond 23 °C ± 5 °C within a given tolerance of Tcal.
4 Temperature Coefficient applies beyond 23 °C ± 5 °C within a given tolerance of Tcal.
5 Current limit set to ≥1 mA and ≥10% of the selected current limit range.
6 20 Hz to 20 MHz bandwidth. PXIe-4142 configured for normal transient response.
7 Channels are isolated from earth ground but share a common LO.
8 When source-measuring, both the NI-DCPower Source Delay and Aperture Time properties affect the sampling rate. When taking a measure record, only the Aperture Time property affects the sampling rate.
9 Load dependent settling time is not included. Normal DC noise rejection is used.
10 As the source delay is adjusted or if advanced sequencing is used, maximum source update rates may vary.
11 Input triggers can come from any source (PXI trigger or software trigger) and be exported to any PXI trigger line. This allows for easier multi-board synchronization regardless of the trigger source.