PXIe-4082 Specifications

PXIe-4082 Specifications

These specifications apply to the PXIe-4082, a PXIe, 6½-Digit, ±300 V, Onboard 1.8 MS/s Isolated Digitizer, L and C Measurement Support, PXI Digital Multimeter.


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.

Specifications are Warranted unless otherwise noted.

Textcal is the device temperature at last external calibration.

Tselfcal is the device temperature at last self-calibration.


Specifications are valid under the following conditions unless otherwise noted. Refer to each section for additional conditions that apply.

  • Self-calibration performed within the last 24 hours
  • Calibration interval of 2 years
  • Warm-up time of 60 minutes
  • Resolution set to 6.5 digits or higher for specifications requiring an aperture greater than or equal to 100 ms

DC Voltage Specifications

DC Voltage Accuracy Specifications

All DC voltage accuracy specifications apply to apertures of ≥100 ms, with Auto Zero and ADC calibration enabled. Assumes offset nulling. Otherwise, add 2 µV to the specifications.

Table 1. DC Voltage ± (ppm of reading + ppm of range)
Range Input resistance[1]1 In parallel with 150 pF, typical 24 hour[2]2 Relative to external calibration source. Tselfcal ±1 °C 90 day Tselfcal ±5 °C 2 year Tselfcal ±5 °C Tempco/°C
Without Self-Cal With Self-Cal
100 mV 10 MΩ ± 2%, >10 GΩ 10 + 10 40 + 20 45 + 20 4 + 5 0.3 + 0.3
1 V 6 + 2 20 + 6 25 + 6 2 + 1 0.3 + 0.3
10 V 4 + 2 20 + 6 25 + 6 1 + 1 0.3 + 0.3
100 V 10 MΩ ± 2% 6 + 2 30 + 6 35 + 6 4 + 1 0.3 + 0.3
300 V 6 + 6 30 + 20 35 + 20 4 + 1 0.3 + 0.3

DC Voltage Noise

Note The following graph represents DC voltage noise with input shorted, Normal DC Noise Rejection, and Auto Zero ON. For apertures less than 100 ms, add five times the typical rms noise to the accuracy specification.
Figure 1. DC Voltage Noise, Typical


DC Voltage General Specifications

ADC linearity 0.5 ppm of reading + 1 ppm of range
Effective common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) (1 kΩ resistance in LO lead) >140 dB (DC), 100 ms aperture; >170 dB (>46 Hz) with high-order DC noise rejection, 100 ms aperture, typical
Overrange 105% of range except 300 V
DC voltage input bias current <30 pA at 23 °C, typical

Resistance Specifications

Resistance Accuracy Specifications

All resistance accuracy specifications apply to apertures of ≥100 ms, with Offset Compensated Ohms (for ranges ≤10 kΩ) or Auto Zero (for ranges ≥100 kΩ) and ADC calibration enabled.

Table 2. Resistance (4-Wire and 2-Wire) ± (ppm of reading + ppm of range)
Range Test current[3]3 -13% to 0% tolerance, typical. Max test voltage[4]4 Highest nominal voltage present with highest range resistance applied. Open circuit voltage[5]5 Nominal voltage present at output with no resistance load. 24 hour[6]6 Relative to external calibration source. Tselfcal ±1 °C 90 day Tselfcal ±5 °C 2 year Tselfcal ±5 °C Tempco/°C
Without Self-Cal With Self-Cal
100 Ω 1 mA 100 mV 11.3 15 + 10 50 + 15 80 + 15 5 + 1 0.8 + 1
1 kΩ 1 mA 1 V 11.3 12 + 2 50 + 3 80 + 3 5 + 0.1 0.8 + 0.1
10 kΩ 100 µA 1 V 11.7 12 + 2 50 + 3 80 + 3 5 + 0.1 0.8 + 0.1
100 kΩ [7]7 Perform offset nulling or add 2 ppm of range to the specifications. 10 µA 1 V 11.7 15 + 2 90 + 6 95 + 6 5 + 0.5 2 + 0.5
1 MΩ 10 µA 10 V 11.7 20 + 2 90 + 10 95 + 10 5 + 1 2 + 1
10 MΩ 1 µA 10 V 11.6 100 + 2 800 + 10 800 + 10 20 + 3 20 + 3
100 MΩ [8]8 2-wire resistance measurement only. Use tempco outside Textcal +/- 10 °C. Typical accuracy is 5% between 105 MΩ and 1.05 GΩ. 1 µA || 10 MΩ 10 V 9.7 500 + 10 3000 + 10 3000 + 10 300 + 10 300 + 10
Note For 2-wire resistance measurements, perform offset nulling or add 200 mΩ to reading.

Resistance Noise

Note The following graph representes resistance noise with input shorted, Normal DC Noise Rejection, and Auto Zero ON. For apertures less than 100 ms, add five times the typical rms noise to the accuracy specification.
Figure 2. PXIe-4082 Resistance Noise, Typical

Resistance General Specifications

Maximum 4-wire lead resistance Use the lesser of 10% of range or 1 kΩ

DC Current Specifications

DC Current Accuracy Specifications

All DC current accuracy specifications apply for apertures ≥100 ms, with Auto Zero and ADC calibration enabled.

Table 3. DC Current ± (ppm of reading + ppm of range)
Range Burden voltage, typical 24 hour[9]9 Relative to external calibration source.Tselfcal ±1 °C 2 year Tselfcal ±5 °C Tempco/°C
20 mA <20 mV 20 + 15 450 + 200 8 + 10
200 mA <200 mV 20 + 15 550 + 20 8 + 1
1 A <800 mV 20 + 15 700 + 50 8 + 2

DC Current Noise

Note The following graph represents DC current noise with input open, Normal DC Noise Rejection, and Auto Zero ON. For apertures less than 100 ms, add five times the typical rms noise to accuracy specification.
Figure 3. PXIe-4082 DC Current Noise, Typical

DC Current General Specifications

Overrange 105% of range except 1 A range

AC Voltage Specifications

AC Voltage Accuracy Specifications

Note Measurement aperture greater than 4/fL where fL is the lowest frequency component of the signal being measured. Signal amplitudes greater than 1% of range.
Table 4. AC Voltage Accuracy ± (% of reading + % of range), 2 Years, Textcal ± 10 °C, Tselfcal ± 5 °C
Range (RMS) Peak voltage 1 Hz to 40 Hz[10]10 Applies to DC coupled only. >40 Hz to 20 kHz >20 kHz to 50 kHz >50 kHz to 100 kHz >100 kHz to 300 kHz
50 mV [11]11 Applies to signals >2 mV ±105 mV 0.1 + 0.04 0.05 + 0.04 0.09 + 0.04 0.5 + 0.08 3 + 0.1
500 mV ±1.05 V 0.1 + 0.01 0.05 + 0.02 0.09 + 0.02 0.5 + 0.02 3 + 0.05
5 V ±10.5 V
50 V ±105 V
300 V ±450 V
Tempco/°C 0.001 + 0.001 0.001 + 0.001 0.001 + 0.001 0.001 + 0.001 0.01 + 0.01

AC Voltage General Specifications

Input impedance 1 MΩ ± 2% in parallel with 150 pF, typical
Input coupling AC or DC coupled
Overrange 105% of range except 300 V
Maximum Volt-Hertz product Verified to 2.2 x 107 V-Hz
Maximum DC voltage component 250 V
Common mode rejection ratio (CMRR), 1 kΩ resistance in LO lead >70 dB (DC to 60 Hz), typical

AC Current Specifications

AC Current Accuracy Specifications

Note Measurement aperture greater than 4/fL, where fL is the lowest frequency component of the signal being measured. Signal amplitudes greater than 1% of range.
Table 5. AC Current Specifications ± (% of reading + % of range), 2 Years, Full operating temperature range
Range (RMS) Peak current Burden voltage (RMS), typical 1 Hz to 20 kHz[12]12 Specification is typical for the 5 kHz to 20 kHz frequency range. Tempco/°C
10 mA ±20 mA <10 mV 0.04 + 0.02 0.001 + 0.0001
100 mA ±200 mA <100 mV 0.04 + 0.02 0.001 + 0.0001
1 A ±2 A <800 mV 0.1 + 0.02 0.001 + 0.0001

AC Current General Specifications

Overrange 105% of range except 1 A

Capacitance Specifications

Capacitance Accuracy Specifications

Table 6. Capacitance ± (% of reading + % of range), 2 Years, Textcal ± 10 °C
Range (RMS) Accuracy[13]13 After lead compensation with <3 meters of coaxial or shielded twisted-pair cabling. Specifications apply to >5% of range and <110% of range, except 300 pF range which measures down to 0.05 pF. Tempco/°C Effective test current[14]14 Correlated to single-tone test method., nominal Effective frequency[15]15 Correlated to single-tone test method., nominal Default model Maximum reading rate[16]16 Number of LC measurements to average = 1
300 pF 0.5 + 0.6 0.01 + 0.025 160 nA 3 kHz Parallel 15 S/s
1 nF 0.4 + 0.2 0.01 + 0.003 330 nA 3 kHz Parallel 15 S/s
10 nF 0.3 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 330 nA 3 kHz Parallel 15 S/s
100 nF 0.3 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 3.3 µA 3 kHz Parallel 15 S/s
1 µF 0.3 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 100 µA 1 kHz Series 15 S/s
10 µF 0.3 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 1 mA 1 kHz Series 15 S/s
100 µF 0.3 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 1 mA 91 Hz Series 3 S/s
1000 µF 0.4 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 1 mA 91 Hz Series 3 S/s
10000 µF 0.3 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.001 1 mA 91 Hz Series 3 S/s

Capacitance General Specifications

DC bias[17]17 Applies to capacitance modes only. 0.46 V from HI to LO, nominal, user-selectable (OFF by default)

Inductance Accuracy Specifications

Table 7. Inductance ± (% of reading + % of range), 2 Years, Textcal ± 10 °C
Range (RMS) Accuracy[18]18 After lead compensation with <3 meters of coaxial or shielded twisted-pair cabling. Specifications apply to >5% of range and <110% of range, except 300 pF range which measures down to 0.05 pF. Tempco/°C Effective test current[19]19 Correlated to single-tone test method., nominal Effective frequency[20]20 Correlated to single-tone test method., nominal Default model Maximum reading rate[21]21 Number of LC Measurements to Average = 1.
10 µH 0.5 + 1 0.01 + 0.01 330 µA 30 kHz Series 20 S/s
100 µH 0.5 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.01 330 µA 30 kHz Series 20 S/s
1 mH 0.5 + 0.1 0.01 + 0.0001 330 µA 3 kHz Series 15 S/s
10 mH [22]22 Specifications apply to >1% of range. 0.5 + 0.1 0.005 + 0.001 3.3 µA 3 kHz Series 15 S/s
100 mH[23]23 Specifications apply to >1% of range. 0.5 + 0.1 0.005 + 0.001 33 µA 273 kHz Series 3 S/s
1 H [24]24 Specifications apply to >1% of range. 0.5 + 0.1 0.007 + 0.001 3.3 µA 273 kHz Series 3 S/s
5 H [25]25 Specifications apply to >1% of range. 0.5 + 0.1 0.007 + 0.001 330 nA 273 kHz Series 3 S/s

Diode Test Specifications

Range 10 V
Test current[26]26 -13% to 0% tolerance, typical. 1 µA, 10 µA, 100 µA, 1 mA[27]27 Up to 4.5 V measurement for 1 mA test current.
Accuracy Add 20 ppm of reading to 10 VDC voltage specifications.

Frequency and Period Specifications

Note Aperture time set to 150 ms.
Frequency measurement range 15 Hz to 500 kHz
Period measurement range 2 µs to 66.67 ms
AC input voltage range Corresponding isolated digitizer range Minimum peak-to-peak signal amplitude[28]28 Square wave input. Minimum required peak-to-peak signal level is valid only for frequencies up to the -3 dB bandwidth. For higher frequencies, the signal amplitude must be increased. Refer to the Digitizer Voltage Mode for bandwidths. Maximum peak-to-peak signal amplitude Accuracy
50 mV 100 mV 5 mV 200 mV Refer to the PXIe_CLK100 accuracy of the chassis.
500 mV 1 V 50 mV 2 V
5 V 10 V 500 mV 20 V
50 V 100 V 5 V 200 V
300 V 300 V 50 V 450 V

Temperature Specifications

All temperature accuracy specifications apply to apertures ≥100 ms, Auto Zero, and ADC calibration enabled. Use the lowest possible resistance or voltage range for each temperature. Add probe accuracy and cold junction accuracy where applicable.

Sensor type Temperature range Accuracy
RTD[29]29 Based on Pt3851 RTD in a 4-wire configuration. -200 °C to 600 °C 0.1 °C
Thermistor[30]30 Based on 44004, 44006, and 44007 interchangeable thermistors. -80 °C to 150 °C 0.08 °C
J Thermocouple -210 °C to 1200 °C 0.2 °C
K Thermocouple -200 °C to 1200 °C 0.3 °C
N Thermocouple -200 °C to 1300 °C 0.4 °C
T Thermocouple -200 °C to 400 °C 0.3 °C
E Thermocouple -200 °C to 1000 °C 0.2 °C
R Thermocouple -50 °C to 1760 °C 0.8 °C
S Thermocouple -50 °C to 1760 °C 0.8 °C
B Thermocouple 400 °C to 1820 °C 0.8 °C

Isolated Digitizer Specifications

Available functions Voltage and current
Voltage ranges ±100 mV to ±300 V (DC or AC coupled)
Current ranges ±20 mA to ±1 A
Sample rate range 10 S/s to 1.8 MS/s
Available sample rates r = (1.8 MS/s) / y, where y = 1, 2, 3,...1.8 x 105
Timebase accuracy Equal to the PXIe_CLK100 accuracy of the chassis
Digitizer record length 2 samples minimum, unlimited maximum
Table 8. Voltage Mode
Range Input resistance[31]31 Input impedance in parallel with 150 pF, typical. When AC coupled, only 1 MΩ available. DC accuracy, (ppm/reading + ppm/range) 2 year, Tselfcal ±5 °C Analog bandwidth[32]32 Typical AC coupled frequency is 6 Hz(±0.1 dB) and 0.8 Hz(-3 dB)., typical
±0.1 dB -3 dB
100 mV 1 MΩ ± 2%, >10 GΩ 125 + 175 40 kHz 240 kHz
1 V 125 + 75 40 kHz 240 kHz
10 V 125 + 75 40 kHz 240 kHz
100 V 1 MΩ ± 2% 125 + 75 30 kHz 240 kHz
300 V 125 + 75 30 kHz 240 kHz
Figure 4. PXIe-4082 Voltage Waveform Noise with Input Shorted, Typical


Table 9. Current
Range Burden voltage, typical DC accuracy, (ppm/reading + ppm/range) 2 Year, Tselfcal ±5 °C Analog bandwidth, typical
±0.1 dB -3 dB
20 mA <20 mV 100 +100 60 kHz 300 kHz
200 mA <200 mV 100 +100 60 kHz 300 kHz
1 A <800 mV 100 +100 60 kHz 300 kHz
Figure 5. PXIe-4082 Current Waveform Noise with Input Open, Typical


General Specifications

External calibration interval 2 years
Warm-up 60 minutes to rated accuracy
Measurement Category I (up to 300 V)

II (up to 250 VACrms, 220 VDC)

Caution Do not connect the product to signals or use for measurements within Measurement Categories III or IV.
Input protection (between terminals or terminal to ground) 300 VDC or VACrms
Current mode fuse T 1 A400 V, time-lag user-replaceable

Minimum interrupt rating: 500 A Littelfuse 0477001.MXP

Maximum common-mode voltage 300 VDC or VACrms
Maximum Voltage to Earth Ground
HI 300 VDC or VACrms
LO 300 VDC or VACrms
HI SENSE 300 VDC or VACrms
LO SENSE 300 VDC or VACrms
Fuse When this fuse symbol is marked on a device, take proper precautions.
Caution Take precautions to avoid electrical shock.


Mode Trigger latency Maximum reading rate[33]33 Maximum Reading Rate assumes minimum aperture time, Auto Zero is OFF, Offset Compensated Ohms is OFF, ADC Calibration is OFF, Number of Averages is 1, and Settle Time is 0 seconds. Varying these settings will vary the reading rate.
AC voltage All functions except AC voltage[34]34 Trigger latency for all functions except AC Voltage assumes Auto Zero, Offset Compensated Ohms, and ADC Calibration are OFF.
Voltage, current, and resistance 15 µs <0 µs 20 kS/s
Voltage and current digitizer 1.8 MS/s
Capacitance and inductance 30 ms, nominal Refer to capacitance and inductance specifications for maximum reading rates.


Power consumption <9 W from PXI Express backplane
+12 V load 0.55 A max
+3.3 V load 0.55 A max

Physical Characteristics

Dimensions 3U, one-slot, PXI/cPCI module

2.0 cm x 13.0 cm x 21.6 cm (0.8 in. x 5.1 in. x 8.5 in.), nominal

Weight 340 g (12 oz), nominal
Note If you need to clean the device, wipe it with a dry towel.


Maximum altitude

2,000 m (800 mbar) (at 25 °C ambient temperature)

Pollution Degree


Indoor use only.

Operating Environment

Ambient temperature range

0 °C to 55 °C

Relative humidity range

10% to 90%, noncondensing

Storage Environment

Ambient temperature range

-40 °C to 71 °C

Relative humidity range

5% to 95%, noncondensing

Shock and Vibration

Operating shock

30 g peak, half-sine, 11 ms pulse

Random vibration


5 Hz to 500 Hz, 0.3 g RMS


5 Hz to 500 Hz, 2.4 g RMS

1 In parallel with 150 pF, typical

2 Relative to external calibration source.

3 -13% to 0% tolerance, typical.

4 Highest nominal voltage present with highest range resistance applied.

5 Nominal voltage present at output with no resistance load.

6 Relative to external calibration source.

7 Perform offset nulling or add 2 ppm of range to the specifications.

8 2-wire resistance measurement only. Use tempco outside Textcal +/- 10 °C. Typical accuracy is 5% between 105 MΩ and 1.05 GΩ.

9 Relative to external calibration source.

10 Applies to DC coupled only.

11 Applies to signals >2 mV

12 Specification is typical for the 5 kHz to 20 kHz frequency range.

13 After lead compensation with <3 meters of coaxial or shielded twisted-pair cabling. Specifications apply to >5% of range and <110% of range, except 300 pF range which measures down to 0.05 pF.

14 Correlated to single-tone test method.

15 Correlated to single-tone test method.

16 Number of LC measurements to average = 1

17 Applies to capacitance modes only.

18 After lead compensation with <3 meters of coaxial or shielded twisted-pair cabling. Specifications apply to >5% of range and <110% of range, except 300 pF range which measures down to 0.05 pF.

19 Correlated to single-tone test method.

20 Correlated to single-tone test method.

21 Number of LC Measurements to Average = 1.

22 Specifications apply to >1% of range.

23 Specifications apply to >1% of range.

24 Specifications apply to >1% of range.

25 Specifications apply to >1% of range.

26 -13% to 0% tolerance, typical.

27 Up to 4.5 V measurement for 1 mA test current.

28 Square wave input. Minimum required peak-to-peak signal level is valid only for frequencies up to the -3 dB bandwidth. For higher frequencies, the signal amplitude must be increased. Refer to the Digitizer Voltage Mode for bandwidths.

29 Based on Pt3851 RTD in a 4-wire configuration.

30 Based on 44004, 44006, and 44007 interchangeable thermistors.

31 Input impedance in parallel with 150 pF, typical. When AC coupled, only 1 MΩ available.

32 Typical AC coupled frequency is 6 Hz(±0.1 dB) and 0.8 Hz(-3 dB).

33 Maximum Reading Rate assumes minimum aperture time, Auto Zero is OFF, Offset Compensated Ohms is OFF, ADC Calibration is OFF, Number of Averages is 1, and Settle Time is 0 seconds. Varying these settings will vary the reading rate.

34 Trigger latency for all functions except AC Voltage assumes Auto Zero, Offset Compensated Ohms, and ADC Calibration are OFF.