Sinking Voltage and Current

Note In the following section, any references in the NI-DCPower API to a "source” actually refers to the sink functionality of the electronic load. Likewise, any references to an “output” instead refers to an input.

The PXIe-4051 can perform common electronic load operations to sink and measure voltage and current. In order to perform these operations, you must use the NI-DCPower driver to configure software settings and execute operations.

Refer to the following table for an overview of electronic load sink and measure operations as well as the software setting combinations that enable the PXIe-4051 to perform each operation.

Table 10. Software Settings for PXIe-4051 Sink and Measure Operations
PXIe-4051 Operation NI-DCPower Settings
Output Function Source Mode
Sink voltage DC Voltage Single Point or Sequence
Measure current or voltage
Sink current DC Current
Measure voltage or current

Complete the following general steps to sink current or voltage.