PXI-2522 Overview
- Updated2023-02-18
- 4 minute(s) read
PXI-2522 Overview
PXI-2522 Pinout
Signal | Description |
COMx | Routing destination for corresponding signal connections |
NCx | Normally closed signal connection |
NOx | Normally open signal connection |
N/C | No connection |
PXI-2522 Hardware Diagram
This figure shows the hardware diagram of the module.
Refer to the following list for relay names on the module.
PXI-2522 Topology
Module software name: 2522/53-SPDT (NISWITCH_TOPOLOGY_2522_53_SPDT)
The module is composed of 53 armature non-latching SPDT relays.
For certain applications, you may need to increase the default settling time.
53-SPDT Topology
Making a Connection
You can control the channels using the niSwitch Connect Channels VI or the niSwitch_Connect function.
To connect the NO terminal to the COM terminal of that channel, disconnect the NC terminal from the COM of that channel.
For example, to connect NO2 to COM2, use the following code:
niSwitch_Disconnect(vi, "nc2", "com2")
niSwitch_Connect(vi, "no2", "com2")
To connect the NC terminal to the COM terminal of that channel, disconnect the NO terminal from the COM of that channel.
For example, to connect NC2 to COM2, use the following code:
niSwitch_Disconnect(vi, "no2", "com2")
niSwitch_Connect(vi, "nc2", "com2")
When scanning the module, a typical scan list entry could be nc2->com2;. This entry routes the signal connected to NC2 to COM2.
PXI-2522 Relay Replacement
The module uses electromechanical armature relays.
Refer to the following table for information about ordering replacement relays.
Replacement Relay | Part Number |
Tyco Electronics (relay manufacturer) | 5-1462039-8 |
NI relay kit (10 relays) | 781089-10 |
Ensure you have the following:
- Temperature-regulated soldering iron set to 371 °C (700 °F) for lead-free solder rework
- 96.5/3.0/0.5 Tin/Silver/Copper solder (flux core) for lead-free solder rework
- Solder wick
- Fine pick
- Isopropyl alcohol
- Cotton swabs
Complete the following steps to disassemble your module and replace a failed relay.
- Ground yourself using a grounding strap or a ground connected to your PXI chassis.
Note Properly grounding yourself prevents damage to your module from electrostatic discharge.
- Locate the relay you want to replace. Relay names are labeled on the front of the
module. The following table maps the relay names to the channel names.
Channel Name Relay Name Channel Name Relay Name Channel Name Relay Name ch0 K0 ch20 K20 ch40 K40 ch1 K1 ch21 K21 ch41 K41 ch2 K2 ch22 K22 ch42 K42 ch3 K3 ch23 K23 ch43 K43 ch4 K4 ch24 K24 ch44 K44 ch5 K5 ch25 K25 ch45 K45 ch6 K6 ch26 K26 ch46 K46 ch7 K7 ch27 K27 ch47 K47 ch8 K8 ch28 K28 ch48 K48 ch9 K9 ch29 K29 ch49 K49 ch10 K10 ch30 K30 ch50 K50 ch11 K11 ch31 K31 ch51 K51 ch12 K12 ch32 K32 ch52 K52 ch13 K13 ch33 K33 — — ch14 K14 ch34 K34 — — ch15 K15 ch35 K35 — — ch16 K16 ch36 K36 — — ch17 K17 ch37 K37 — — ch18 K18 ch38 K38 — — ch19 K19 ch39 K39 — — - Replace the relay as you would any other through-hole part. Trim the replaced relay leads to no more than 1 mm (0.04 in.) from the PCB.