NI-SCOPE Properties

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Product DocumentationNI-SCOPE Properties...niScope PropertiesTriggering:Trigger Runt:Runt Time High Limit PropertyCurrent page
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Triggering:Trigger Runt:Runt Time High Limit Property

Triggering:Trigger Runt:Runt Time High Limit Property

Short Name: Runt Time High Limit

Property of niScope

Specifies, in seconds, the high runt threshold time.

This property sets the upper bound on the duration of runt pulses that may trigger the oscilloscope. The Runt Time Condition property determines how the oscilloscope triggers in relation to the runt time limits.

Default Value: 0.0


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Datatype fD
High-level VIs N/A
Channel-based No
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