NI-SCOPE Properties

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Product DocumentationNI-SCOPE Properties...niScope PropertiesHorizontal:Enable Time Interleaved Sampling PropertyCurrent page
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Horizontal:Enable Time Interleaved Sampling Property

Horizontal:Enable Time Interleaved Sampling Property

Short Name: Enable TIS

Property of niScope

Extends the maximum sample rate on the specified Active Channel for some devices that support Time Interleaved Sampling (TIS). TIS enables the device to use multiple ADCs to sample the same waveform at a higher effective real-time rate. NI 5152/5153/5154 devices fully support Read/Write ability for this property. For other devices that use TIS mode, such as the NI 5185/5186, this property is Read Only.

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The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Datatype bool
High-level VIs N/A
Channel-based Yes
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