NI-SCOPE Properties

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Device:CableSense:Mode Property

Device:CableSense:Mode Property

Short Name: CableSense Mode

Property of niScope

Specifies whether and how the oscilloscope is configured to generate a CableSense signal on the specified channels when the niScope CableSense Signal Start VI is called.

Note  The input impedance of the channel(s) to convey the CableSense signal must be set to 50 ohms.

Device-Specific Behavior

  • The value of this property must be identical across all channels whose input impedance is set to 50 ohms.
  • If this property is set to a value other than Disabled for any channel(s), the input impedance of all channels for which this property is set to Disabled must be set to 1 M Ohm.

Supported Devices

Disabled (0)

The oscilloscope is not configured to emit a CableSense signal.

On Demand (1)

The oscilloscope is configured to emit a single CableSense pulse.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Datatype iL
High-level VIs N/A
Channel-based Yes
In This Section
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