NI-SCOPE Properties

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Clocking:Advanced:Absolute Sample Clock Offset Property

Clocking:Advanced:Absolute Sample Clock Offset Property

Short Name: Absolute Sample Clock Offset

Property of niScope

Gets or sets the absolute time offset, in seconds, of the sample clock relative to the reference clock.

Valid Values: [-0.5 Sample Clock Period, 0.5 Sample Clock Period]

Default Value: 0

Use this property when performing manual adjustment to correct for skew and jitter between oscilloscopes synchronized with NI-TClk.

Apply offset with this property to reduce skew and jitter, and write the value you set to apply the manual adjustment across sessions and improve synchronization repeatability.

For details on performing manual adjustment, refer to Improving NI-TClk Synchronization of Oscilloscopes with Manual Adjustment.


The following table lists the characteristics of this property.

Datatype fD
High-level VIs N/A
Channel-based No
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