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niScope Is Device Ready

niScope Is Device Ready

Returns whether the device is ready to be used to the Device Ready? parameter.

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niScope Is Device Ready


resource name specifies the device name assigned by Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX).


Example Device Type Syntax
1 NI-DAQmx device myDAQmxDevice (myDAQmxDevice = device name)
2 NI-DAQmx device DAQ::myDAQmxDevice (myDAQmxDevice = device name)
3 NI-DAQmx device DAQ::2 (2 = device name)
4 IVI logical name or IVI virtual name myLogicalName (myLogicalName = name)

For NI-DAQmx devices, the syntax is just the device name specified in MAX, as shown in Example 1. Typical default names for NI-DAQmx devices in MAX are Dev1 or PXI1Slot1. You can rename an NI-DAQmx device by right-clicking on the name in MAX and entering a new name.

An alternative syntax for NI-DAQmx devices consists of DAQ::NI-DAQmx device name, as shown in Example 2. This naming convention allows for the use of an NI-DAQmx device in an application that was originally designed for a Traditional NI-DAQ device. For example, if the application expects DAQ::1, you can rename the NI-DAQmx device to 1 in MAX and pass in DAQ::1 for the resource name, as shown in Example 3.

You can also pass in the name of an IVI logical name or an IVI virtual name configured with the IVI Configuration utility, as shown in Example 4. A logical name identifies a particular virtual instrument. A virtual name identifies a specific device and specifies the initial settings for the session.

Note  NI-DAQmx device names are not case-sensitive. However, all IVI names, such as logical names, are case-sensitive. If you use logical names, driver session names, or virtual names in your program, you must make sure that the name you use matches the name in the IVI Configuration Store file exactly, without any variations in the case of the characters.

Device Ready? Returns whether the device is ready to use.

Default Value: None


error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.


error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

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