NI RF Signal Conditioning Devices

Content Type
Programming Language
Current manual

ni5690 Initialize

ni5690 Initialize

Performs the following initialization actions:

  • Creates a new instrument driver session.
  • Opens a session to the device you specify as resource name.
  • Returns an instrument handle that you use to identify the NI PXI-5690 device in all subsequent NI-5690 instrument driver VIs.
  • For the NI PXI-5690, when reset device is TRUE, initializes all configurable channels to use maximum gain and main path for variable path channels.
  • For NI PXI-5691 and NI PXI-5695 devices, when reset device is TRUE, initializes all configurable channels to use minimum gain and main path for variable path channels.

This VI returns an error if a device with the gain resource name is not found or is not supported by the driver.

resource name specifies the resource name of the device to initialize.
Example # Device Type Syntax
1myDAQmxDeviceNI-DAQmx device, device name = "myDAQmxDevice"
2myLogicalNameIVI logical name or virtual instrument, name = "myLogicalName"

For NI-DAQmx devices, the syntax is the device name specified in MAX, as shown in Example 1. Typical default names for NI-DAQmx devices in MAX are Dev1 or PXI1Slot1. You can rename an NI-DAQmx device by right-clicking on the device in MAX and selecting Rename. NI-DAQmx device names are not case-sensitive. Default value is " " (empty string).

id query this parameter is not supported in this version of the NI-5690 instrument driver.
reset device specifies whether to reset the RF signal conditioning device during the initialization procedure. When reset is TRUE, the RF signal conditioning device is initialized to the default state. When reset is FALSE, no changes are made to the pre-existing hardware state during initialization. Default value is FALSE.

The initialization states for each device are listed below:
  • For the NI RF PXI-5690, the gain parameter in the ni5690_configureGain VI is set to maximum gain.
  • For the NI RF PXI-5691, the gain parameter in the ni5690_configureGain VI is set to minimum gain.
  • For the NI RF PXI-5695, the gain parameter in the ni5690_configureGain VI is set to maximum attenuation.
  • For all NI RF signal conditioning devices the path is set to Main Path.
cerrcodeclst.gif error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
instrument handle out passes a reference to your instrument session to the next VI. instrument handle identifies a particular instrument session.
  1. This VI creates a new session each time you invoke it for a different device. For the same device, the VI closes the existing open session and creates a new session.
  2. You cannot create concurrent sessions to the same physical NI RF signal conditioning device.
ierrcodeclst.gif error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.
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