NI RF Signal Conditioning Devices

Content Type
Programming Language
Current manual

NI PXI-5690 Block Diagram

NI PXI-5690 Block Diagram

The following figure is a block diagram of the NI PXI-5690 RF amplifier. The text that follows the figure describes the basic elements of the diagram.

NI PXI-5690 Block Diagram

Caution  The NI 5690 RF amplifier input connectors are sensitive to ESD. Observe all ESD precautions when making, removing, or adjusting connections to the NI RF amplifier input connectors. For example, do not adjust an antenna connected to the NI RF amplifier input without observing all ESD precautions.

Channel 0

Channel 0 (CH 0) functions as a fixed gain amplifier. This channel offers low noise figure and a flat frequency response. Use CH 0 as you would a conventional fixed gain amplifier.

Channel 1

Channel 1 (CH 1) functions as a programmable amplifier containing two user-selectable paths.

Main path—Consists of fixed gain amplification preceded by a step attenuator that is adjustable in 1 dB nominal steps according to user-specified gain settings.

Direct path—Provides the option of bypassing the attenuator-amplifier circuitry. This path is useful for handling higher power inputs that may cause distortion in the NI RF amplifier.

By default, CH 1 is initialized to use the main path with maximum gain. Refer to Using CH 1 for more information about using the CH 1 main and direct paths.

Caution  Observe maximum input power ratings to avoid damaging the NI RF amplifier.

Refer to the NI PXI-5690 Specifications document, available in PDF format at Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-5690»Documentation, for detailed specifications of both channels, including available gain ranges, gain variation by temperature, and power ratings.


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