NI-DAQmx .NET Framework 4.5 API Reference

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Timing.ChangeDetectionOverflowed Property

Timing.ChangeDetectionOverflowed Property

TimingChangeDetectionOverflowed Property

Indicates if samples were missed because change detection events occurred faster than the device could handle them. Some devices detect overflows differently than others.

Namespace:  NationalInstruments.DAQmx
Assembly:  NationalInstruments.DAQmx (in NationalInstruments.DAQmx.dll) Version:


public bool ChangeDetectionOverflowed { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property ChangeDetectionOverflowed As Boolean

Property Value

Type: Boolean
Indicates if samples were missed because change detection events occurred faster than the device could handle them. Some devices detect overflows differently than others.


DaqExceptionThe NI-DAQmx driver returned an error.

See Also

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