NI-9375 and sbRIO-9375 Specifications

Connector Types

The NI-9375 has more than one connector type: NI-9375 with spring terminal and NI-9375 with DSUB. Unless the connector type is specified, NI-9375 refers to all connector types.

The NI-9375 with spring terminal is available in two types: push-in spring terminal and spring terminal. The push-in type spring terminal connector is black and orange. The spring terminal connector is black. NI-9375 with spring terminal refers to both types unless the two types are specified. Differences between the two types of spring terminal connectors are noted by the connector color.


Warranted specifications describe the performance of a model under stated operating conditions and are covered by the model warranty.

Characteristics describe values that are relevant to the use of the model under stated operating conditions but are not covered by the model warranty.

  • Typical specifications describe the performance met by a majority of models.
  • Nominal specifications describe an attribute that is based on design, conformance testing, or supplemental testing.

Specifications are Typical unless otherwise noted.


Specifications are valid for the range -40 °C to 70 °C unless otherwise noted. All voltages are relative to COM unless otherwise noted.

NI-9375 Pinout

Table 1. Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
DI Digital input signal connection
DI COM Common reference connection for the digital inputs
DO Digital output signal connection
DO COM Common reference connection for the digital outputs
NC No connection
Vsup Voltage supply connection

NI-9375 with Spring Terminal (Black Connector) Safety Voltages

Connect only voltages that are within the following limits.

Channel-to-COM or Vsup-to-COM

30 V DC maximum


DI bank-to-DO bank

60 V DC maximum


No isolation between channels

Channel-to-earth ground


60 V DC, Measurement Category I


1,000 V RMS, verified by a 5 s dielectric withstand test

NI-9375 with Push-In Spring Terminal (Black/Orange Connector) Safety Voltages

Connect only voltages that are within the following limits.

Channel-to-COM or Vsup-to-COM

30 V DC maximum


DI bank-to-DO bank

60 V DC maximum


No isolation between channels

Channel-to-earth ground


60 V DC, Measurement Category I

Withstand up to 3,000 m

1,000 V RMS, verified by a 5 s dielectric withstand test

Withstand up to 5,000 m

860 V RMS

NI-9375 with DSUB Isolation Voltages

Connect only voltages that are within the following limits.

Channel-to-COM or Vsup-to-COM

30 V DC maximum


DI bank-to-DO bank

60 V DC maximum


No isolation between channels

Channel-to-earth ground


60 V DC, Measurement Category I

Withstand up to 3,000 m

1,000 V RMS, verified by a 5 s dielectric withstand test

Withstand up to 5,000 m

860 V RMS

Measurement Category I

Warning Do not connect the product to signals or use for measurements within Measurement Categories II, III, or IV, or for measurements on MAINs circuits or on circuits derived from Overvoltage Category II, III, or IV which may have transient overvoltages above what the product can withstand. The product must not be connected to circuits that have a maximum voltage above the continuous working voltage, relative to earth or to other channels, or this could damage and defeat the insulation. The product can only withstand transients up to the transient overvoltage rating without breakdown or damage to the insulation. An analysis of the working voltages, loop impedances, temporary overvoltages, and transient overvoltages in the system must be conducted prior to making measurements.
Mise en garde Ne pas connecter le produit à des signaux dans les catégories de mesure II, III ou IV et ne pas l'utiliser pour des mesures dans ces catégories, ou des mesures sur secteur ou sur des circuits dérivés de surtensions de catégorie II, III ou IV pouvant présenter des surtensions transitoires supérieures à ce que le produit peut supporter. Le produit ne doit pas être raccordé à des circuits ayant une tension maximale supérieure à la tension de fonctionnement continu, par rapport à la terre ou à d'autres voies, sous peine d'endommager et de compromettre l'isolation. Le produit peut tomber en panne et son isolation risque d'être endommagée si les tensions transitoires dépassent la surtension transitoire nominale. Une analyse des tensions de fonctionnement, des impédances de boucle, des surtensions temporaires et des surtensions transitoires dans le système doit être effectuée avant de procéder à des mesures.

Measurement Category I is for measurements performed on circuits not directly connected to the electrical distribution system referred to as MAINS voltage. MAINS is a hazardous live electrical supply system that powers equipment. This category is for measurements of voltages from specially protected secondary circuits. Such voltage measurements include signal levels, special equipment, limited-energy parts of equipment, circuits powered by regulated low-voltage sources, and electronics.

Note Measurement Categories CAT I and CAT O are equivalent. These test and measurement circuits are for other circuits not intended for direct connection to the MAINS building installations of Measurement Categories CAT II, CAT III, or CAT IV.

Environmental Characteristics

Temperature and Humidity



-40 °C to 70 °C


-40 °C to 85 °C



10% RH to 90% RH, noncondensing


5% RH to 95% RH, noncondensing

Ingress protection


Pollution Degree


Maximum altitude

NI-9375 with spring terminal (black connector)

2,000 m

NI-9375 with push-in spring terminal (black/orange connector)

5,000 m

NI-9375 with DSUB

5,000 m

Shock and Vibration

Operating vibration


5 g RMS, 10 Hz to 500 Hz


5 g, 10 Hz to 500 Hz

Operating shock

30 g, 11 ms half sine; 50 g, 3 ms half sine; 18 shocks at 6 orientations

Power Requirements

Power consumption from chassis

Active mode

450 mW maximum

Sleep mode

25 μW maximum

Thermal dissipation (at 70 °C)

Active mode

1.5 W maximum

Sleep mode

0.6 W maximum

Physical Characteristics


NI-9375 with spring terminal (black connector)

159 g (5.6 oz)

NI-9375 with push-in spring terminal (black/orange connector)

164 g (5.8 oz)

NI-9375 with DSUB

148 g (5.3 oz)

NI-9375 with Spring Terminal (Black Connector)

Spring terminal wiring


0.08 mm2 to 1.0 mm2 (28 AWG to 18 AWG) copper conductor wire

Wire strip length

7 mm (0.28 in.) of insulation stripped from the end

Temperature rating

90 °C minimum

Wires per spring terminal

One wire per spring terminal

Connector securement

Securement type

Screw flanges provided

Torque for screw flanges

0.2 N · m (1.80 lb · in.)

NI-9375 with Push-In Spring Terminal (Black/Orange Connector)

Spring terminal wiring


0.14 mm2 to 1.5 mm2 (26 AWG to 16 AWG) copper conductor wire

Wire strip length

10 mm (0.394 in.) of insulation stripped from the end

Temperature rating

90 °C minimum

Wires per spring terminal

One wire per spring terminal; two wires per spring terminal using a 2-wire ferrule


Single ferrule, uninsulated

0.13 mm2 to 1.5 mm2 (26 AWG to 16 AWG) 10 mm barrel length

Single ferrule, insulated

0.13 mm2 to 1.0 mm2 (26 AWG to 18 AWG) 12 mm barrel length

Two-wire ferrule, insulated

2x 0.34 mm2 (2x 22 AWG) 12 mm barrel length

Connector securement

Securement type

Screw flanges provided

Torque for screw flanges

0.2 N · m (1.80 lb · in.)

Input/Output Characteristics

Number of channels

32 channels: 16 digital input and 16 digital output

Digital Input

Input type


Input voltage range

0 VDC to 30 VDC

Digital logic levels
OFF state

Input voltage

≤5 V

Input current

≤150 μA

ON state

Input voltage

≥10 V

Input current

≥330 μA


Input voltage

1.7 V minimum

Input current

50 μA minimum

Input impedance

30 kΩ ±5%

Setup time[1]1 Setup time is the amount of time input signals must be stable before reading from the module.

1 μs maximum

Update/transfer time[2]2 Update/transfer time is the maximum time the software takes to read data from the module. The update/transfer is valid when the module is used in a CompactRIO system. When used in other systems, driver software and system latencies impact this time.

7 μs maximum

Digital Output

Output type


Power-on output state

Channels off

External power supply voltage range (Vsup)

6 VDC to 30 VDC

Continuous output current (IO)
NI-9375 with spring terminal

All channels on

125 mA maximum (per channel)

One channel on

500 mA maximum

Per module

0.25 A2

NI-9375 with DSUB

All channels on

100 mA maximum (per channel)

One channel on

400 mA maximum

Per module

0.16 A2 maximum

Output impedance (RO)

0.3 Ω maximum

Output voltage (VO)

Vsup - (IORO)

Reversed-voltage protection


Current limiting


Vsup current consumption

18 mA

Update/transfer time[3]3 Update/transfer time is the maximum time the software takes to write data to the module. The update/transfer is valid when the module is used in a CompactRIO system. When used in other systems, driver software and system latencies impact this time.

7 μs maximum

Propagation delay[4]4 Propagation delay is the amount of time it takes the output signals to change state after being written to.

500 μs maximum

1 Setup time is the amount of time input signals must be stable before reading from the module.

2 Update/transfer time is the maximum time the software takes to read data from the module. The update/transfer is valid when the module is used in a CompactRIO system. When used in other systems, driver software and system latencies impact this time.

3 Update/transfer time is the maximum time the software takes to write data to the module. The update/transfer is valid when the module is used in a CompactRIO system. When used in other systems, driver software and system latencies impact this time.

4 Propagation delay is the amount of time it takes the output signals to change state after being written to.