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char *UILEventString (int event);


This function return a string containing the symbolic name for a User Interface Library event. This function can be used as a debugging aid by printing the names of events as they are received by a callback function.


int CVICALLBACK CallbackToDebug(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)

     printf("Event received is %s\n", UILEventString(event));


Name Type Description
event int Pass a User Interface Library event number.

Return Value

Name Type Description
eventNameString char * Returns a pointer to a string of characters containing the symbolic name of the event. The string should not be freed or altered. If the event is not a predefined User Interface Library Event, the string "Event #" is returned, where # is the event number. In this case, the string is valid only until the next call to UILEventString.

Additional Information

Library: Programmer's Toolbox

Include file: toolbox\toolbox.h

LabWindows/CVI compatibility: LabWindows/CVI 4.0 and later

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